Ghidra Bundles

Dynamic modules

Scripting brings a powerful form of dynamic extensibilty to Ghidra, where Java source code is (re)compiled, loaded, and run without exiting Ghidra. When a script grows large or requires external dependencies, it might be worth the effort to split up code into modules.

To support modularity while preserving the dynamic nature of scripts, Ghidra uses OSGi. Without delving too much into terminology, the key things to know are

  1. The unit of modularity in OSGi is the bundle. Bundles are mostly independent components with declared imports and exports.
  2. Concretely, a bundle is a Jar file with extra metadata in its manifest file that tells the framework what it uses/imports and what it provides/exports.
    Bundles are Jars, but Ghidra will automatically compile source directories to bundles. We refer to source directories intended to be used in OSGi as source bundles. Each Ghidra script directory is a seperate source bundle.
  3. Bundles can export Java packages for use by other bundles, and packages can have version numbers assigned.
  4. Bundles can import packages from other bundles, and each import can be constrained by version number or range.
  5. The entire Ghidra API is part of the "system bundle", meaning its packages don't need need to be explicitly imported.
  6. A bundle can provide an activator class whose start and stop methods are called when the bundle is activated/deactivated.

Source bundles

When a directory is added to the Bundle Manager, it is treated as a source bundle. When enabled, its Java contents are compiled to

        <user settings>/osgi/compiled-bundles/<hash>/

where <hash> is a hash of the source bundle path. These compiled artifacts are then loaded by the OSGi framework.

NOTE: The <user settings> directory is platform/configuration specific. Its value can be found in the Ghidra Front End GUI, under Help -> Runtime Information -> Application Layout -> Settings Directory

Exploded Bundles

Each such subdirectory of compiled-bundles/ is an exploded jar -- by compressing it, we get a standard OSGi Jar bundle:

            jar cMf mybundle.jar -C <user settings>/osgi/compiled-bundles/<hash>  .

Generated Files

If there is no manifest in the source directory, Ghidra generates one using bndlib so that:

Note: import and export here refer to inter-bundle dependency, see below

If no bundle activator is present, a stub is created and referenced in the generated manifest.


Two types of code dependency are available when developing with OSGi, intra-bundle and inter-bundle.

Intra-bundle (compile time) Dependency

Classes within a bundle, e.g. source files in a source bundle, can rely one another with Java's usual package import.

This kind of dependency is resolved at compile time -- if a class isn't imported or present, compilation will fail.

In the following example, IntraBundleExampleScript depends on mylib.MyLibrary without any special dependency declaration since they are both defined in the same source bundle, my_ghidra_scripts:

        package mylib;

        public class MyLibrary {
        	public void doStuff() {
        		// ...

        // Intra-bundle dependency example.
        //@category Examples

        import mylib.MyLibrary;

        public class IntraBundleExampleScript extends GhidraScript {
        	public void run() throws Exception {
        		new MyLibrary().doStuff();

Inter-bundle (run time) Dependency

To make use of code from other bundles, a bundle must declare its dependencies. When a bundle is activated, the framework attempts to resolve its declared dependencies against active bundles. The first match, in the order of bundle activation, will be "wired" to the dependent.

Note: OSGi bundle dependency is very similar to Java 9 modules. The key difference is that Java 9 modules provide load time resolution, while OSGi provides run time resolution.

@importpackage in a script

Ghidra's @importpacakge meta-data tag provides a convenient way to declare inter-bundle dependencies directly in a script. Set the value to a comma separated list of packages to import from other bundles.

In the example below, the class InterBundleExampleScript is implemented in the bundle my_ghidra_scripts and uses a class, yourlib.YourLibrary, defined in another bundle, your_ghidra_scripts.

        package yourlib;

        public class YourLibrary {
        	public void doOtherStuff() {
        		// ...

        // Inter-bundle dependency example.
        //@category Examples
        //@importpackage yourlib

        import yourlib.YourLibrary;

        public class InterBundleExampleScript extends GhidraScript {
        	public void run() throws Exception {
        		new YourLibrary().doOtherStuff();

Import-Package in the manifest

The underlying OSGi mechanism for declaring inter-bundle dependency is via the manifest.

You can find detailed descriptions of manifest attributes used by OSGi, like Import-Package, here

If a Ghidra source bundle has no manifest, Ghidra generates one.

For example, the @importpackage yourlib in the previous example corresponds to the `yourlib` entry in the `Import-Package` line of the manifest generated for my_ghidra_scripts:

     <user settings>/osgi/compiled-bundles/ab12cd89/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF:
        Manifest-Version: 1.0
        Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
        Export-Package: mylib
        Bundle-SymbolicName: ab12cd89
        Bundle-Version: 1.0
        Bundle-Name: ab12cd89
        Bundle-Activator: GeneratedActivator

The manifest generated for your_ghidra_scripts is as follows:

     <user settings>/osgi/compiled-bundles/ef34ab56/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF:
        Manifest-Version: 1.0
        Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
        Export-Package: yourlib
        Bundle-SymbolicName: ef34ab56
        Bundle-Version: 1.0
        Bundle-Name: ef34ab56
        Bundle-Activator: GeneratedActivator

Notice the Export-Package line generated for your_ghidra_scripts. The generated manifest exports all packages not including private or internal.

For full control, users can include a manifest with their bundle's source, e.g. my_ghidra_scripts/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF.

Enabling and disabling bundles

For a bundle's contents to be available (e.g. for loading classes), its OSGi state must be "ACTIVE". Ghidra generally takes care of this, but the following provides more details about the underlying OSGi for debugging.

Ghidra activates a bundle when added, enabled, or when a script contained within is run.

When enabled, the root directory of a source bundle is also scanned for Ghidra scripts and any found are added to the script manager.

When disabled, any dependents of a bundle are stopped/deactivated first, then the bundle itself is stopped. Its scripts are then removed from the script manager.

The color of each bundle path reflects state as follows:

The normally hidden column "OSGi State" is also available. In addition to the Bundle state, this column will report

Adding and removing bundles from the manager

Adding a directory to the bundle manager will also enable it, so scripts within become available in the script manager.

Removing a bundle disables it, so its scripts will be removed from the script manager and its dependents will become inactive.

Cleaning bundles

When Ghidra builds a source bundle, the results are written to the directory
    <user settings>/osgi/compiled-bundles/<hash>.
These files can then be loaded by the OSGi framework.

A clean deactivates then wipes this subdirectory for each selected bundle and clears its build summary.

If a source bundle's imports aren't available during build, some source files can produce errors. In order to force Ghidra to recompile, one must either modify the files with errors or clean the bundle then re-enable.

Refresh bundles

Refresh will deactivate, clean, then reactivate every enabled bundle.

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