Configuration Options for the Byte Viewer

The Byte Viewer panel in the Options dialog for the Byte Viewer tool has configurable items for colors and font. The Byte Viewer options determines the colors, font, and header configuration. To view the options, select EditTool Options and then select the Byte Viewer node in the Options tree.

Colors and Font

The Byte Viewer displays can display each of the following in a user-defined color and font.

Block Separator Color Used to render gaps in memory, i.e., separators between memory blocks
Current View Cursor Color Used in the view that has focus
Cursor Color Used in the views that do not have focus
Edit Cursor Color Used to indicate changed bytes in memory; this color is used as the cursor color in those views that support editing
Font Font specified for all views
Highlight Cursor Line Highlights the line containing the cursor
Highlight Cursor Line Color The color of the highlight for the line containing the cursor
Non-Focus Cursor Color Th/e cursor color when the Byte Viewer is not focuses

  1. From the Byte Viewer menu select Edit Tool Options.
  2. Select the Byte Viewer node; the panel of options appears to the right of the tree.
  3. Double-click on the color bar for the color option of choice.
  4. A color chooser is displayed; select a different color, and click OK.
  5. Click OK or Apply on the Options dialog.
  1. From the Byte Viewer menu select Edit Options.
  2. Select the Byte Viewer node; the panel of options appears to the right of the tree.
  3. Click on the Font button.
  4. A font editor is displayed; select a font, size, and/or style, and click OK.
  5. Click OK or Apply on the Options dialog.

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