Class VTAssociationMarkupStatus

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class VTAssociationMarkupStatus extends Object implements Comparable<VTAssociationMarkupStatus>
Class the indicates an overview, or high-level status, for the markup items within an association. This status can be used to query the state of the markup items. For example, hasUnexaminedMarkup() will indicate of some markup items have not yet been applied or marked as considered.
  • Constructor Details

    • VTAssociationMarkupStatus

      public VTAssociationMarkupStatus()
    • VTAssociationMarkupStatus

      public VTAssociationMarkupStatus(int status)
    • VTAssociationMarkupStatus

      public VTAssociationMarkupStatus(boolean hasUnexamined, boolean hasApplied, boolean hasRejected, boolean hasDontCare, boolean hasDontKnow, boolean hasErrors)
  • Method Details

    • isInitialized

      public boolean isInitialized()
      Returns true if the status has been initialized. It is initialized when an association is accepted.
      true if the status has been initialized.
    • hasUnexaminedMarkup

      public boolean hasUnexaminedMarkup()
      Returns true if there is one or markup items that have not had a decision made on them.
      true if there is one or markup items that have not had a decision made on them.
    • hasAppliedMarkup

      public boolean hasAppliedMarkup()
      Returns true if there is one or markup items that have been applied.
      true if there is one or markup items that have been applied.
    • hasRejectedMarkup

      public boolean hasRejectedMarkup()
      Returns true if there is one or markup items that have been rejected.
      true if there is one or markup items that have been rejected.
    • hasDontCareMarkup

      public boolean hasDontCareMarkup()
      Returns true if there is one or markup items that have been marked as "Don't Care".
      true if there is one or markup items that have been marked as "Don't Care".
    • hasDontKnowMarkup

      public boolean hasDontKnowMarkup()
      Returns true if there is one or markup items that have been marked as "Don't Know".
      true if there is one or markup items that have been marked as "Don't Know".
    • hasErrors

      public boolean hasErrors()
      Returns true if there is one or markup items that encountered an error when attempting to apply.
      true if there is one or markup items that encountered an error when attempting to apply.
    • getStatusValue

      public int getStatusValue()
      Returns the combined bit fields for the various status bits.
      the combine bit fields value for the status.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • isFullyApplied

      public boolean isFullyApplied()
      Returns true if all the markup items have been applied
      true if all the markup items have been applied
    • compareTo

      public int compareTo(VTAssociationMarkupStatus o)
      Specified by:
      compareTo in interface Comparable<VTAssociationMarkupStatus>
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
      Returns a description of this status, detailing the various status values.
      a description of this status, detailing the various status values.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object