Class VTMatchOneToManyTableProvider

All Implemented Interfaces:
docking.action.ActionContextProvider, FilterDialogModel<VTMatch>, VTControllerListener, VTSubToolManagerListener, help.HelpDescriptor
Direct Known Subclasses:
VTMatchDestinationTableProvider, VTMatchSourceTableProvider

public abstract class VTMatchOneToManyTableProvider extends ghidra.framework.plugintool.ComponentProviderAdapter implements FilterDialogModel<VTMatch>, VTControllerListener, VTSubToolManagerListener
The docking window that provides a table of the other tool's function matches for the function containing the current cursor location in this tool's listing.
  • Field Details


      protected static final Color LOCAL_INFO_FOREGROUND_COLOR
    • matchesTable

      protected ghidra.util.table.GhidraTable matchesTable
    • oneToManyTableModel

      protected VTMatchOneToManyTableModel oneToManyTableModel
    • controller

      protected final VTController controller
    • subToolManager

      protected final VTSubToolManager subToolManager
  • Constructor Details

    • VTMatchOneToManyTableProvider

      public VTMatchOneToManyTableProvider(ghidra.framework.plugintool.PluginTool tool, VTController controller, VTSubToolManager subToolManager, boolean isSource)
  • Method Details

    • getTitle

      public String getTitle()
      getTitle in class docking.ComponentProvider
    • componentHidden

      public void componentHidden()
      componentHidden in class docking.ComponentProvider
    • componentShown

      public void componentShown()
      componentShown in class docking.ComponentProvider
    • initializeMatchesTable

      protected ghidra.util.table.GhidraTable initializeMatchesTable()
    • getMatchesTableModel

      protected abstract VTMatchOneToManyTableModel getMatchesTableModel()
    • setSelectedMatch

      public void setSelectedMatch(VTMatch match)
      Specified by:
      setSelectedMatch in interface VTSubToolManagerListener
    • repaint

      public void repaint()
    • reload

      public void reload()
    • getComponent

      public JComponent getComponent()
      Specified by:
      getComponent in class docking.ComponentProvider
    • disposed

      public void disposed()
      Specified by:
      disposed in interface VTControllerListener
    • getActionContext

      public docking.ActionContext getActionContext(MouseEvent event)
      Specified by:
      getActionContext in interface docking.action.ActionContextProvider
      getActionContext in class docking.ComponentProvider
    • setAddress

      public void setAddress(ghidra.program.model.address.Address matchAddress)
    • createLocalInfoPanel

      protected JPanel createLocalInfoPanel()
    • loadLocalInfo

      public void loadLocalInfo(ghidra.program.model.address.Address infoAddress)
    • matchSelected

      public void matchSelected(MatchInfo matchInfo)
      Description copied from interface: VTControllerListener
      Indicates that the version tracking match that is selected has changed.
      Specified by:
      matchSelected in interface VTControllerListener
      matchInfo - the matchInfo for the match that is now selected or null if no item is selected or multiple matches are selected.
    • sessionChanged

      public void sessionChanged(VTSession session)
      Specified by:
      sessionChanged in interface VTControllerListener
    • sessionUpdated

      public void sessionUpdated(ghidra.framework.model.DomainObjectChangedEvent ev)
      Specified by:
      sessionUpdated in interface VTControllerListener
    • optionsChanged

      public void optionsChanged(ghidra.framework.options.Options options)
      Specified by:
      optionsChanged in interface VTControllerListener
    • markupItemSelected

      public void markupItemSelected(VTMarkupItem markupItem)
      Description copied from interface: VTControllerListener
      Indicates that the version tracking mark-up item that is selected has changed.
      Specified by:
      markupItemSelected in interface VTControllerListener
      markupItem - the mark-up item that is now selected or null if no item is selected or multiple mark-up items are selected.
    • addFilter

      public void addFilter(Filter<VTMatch> filter)
      Specified by:
      addFilter in interface FilterDialogModel<VTMatch>
    • forceRefilter

      public void forceRefilter()
      Forces a refilter, even though filtering operations may be disabled
      Specified by:
      forceRefilter in interface FilterDialogModel<VTMatch>
    • dialogVisibilityChanged

      public void dialogVisibilityChanged(boolean isVisible)
      Description copied from interface: FilterDialogModel
      Will be called when the visibility of the dialog using this model has changed
      Specified by:
      dialogVisibilityChanged in interface FilterDialogModel<VTMatch>
      isVisible - true if visible