Package db

Interface Buffer

All Known Implementing Classes:
ChainedBuffer, DataBuffer

public interface Buffer
Buffer provides a general purpose storage buffer interface providing various data access methods.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    get(int offset, byte[] bytes)
    Get the byte data located at the specified offset and store into the bytes array provided.
    get(int offset, byte[] data, int dataOffset, int length)
    Get the byte data located at the specified offset and store into the data array at the specified data offset.
    get(int offset, int length)
    Get the byte data located at the specified offset.
    getByte(int offset)
    Get the 8-bit byte value located at the specified offset.
    Get the buffer ID for this buffer.
    getInt(int offset)
    Get the 32-bit integer value located at the specified offset.
    getLong(int offset)
    Get the 64-bit long value located at the specified offset.
    getShort(int offset)
    Get the 16-bit short value located at the specified offset.
    Get the length of the buffer in bytes.
    put(int offset, byte[] bytes)
    Put the bytes provided into the buffer at the specified offset.
    put(int offset, byte[] data, int dataOffset, int length)
    Put a specified number of bytes from the array provided into the buffer at the specified offset.
    putByte(int offset, byte b)
    Put the 8-bit byte value into the buffer at the specified offset.
    putInt(int offset, int v)
    Put the 32-bit integer value into the buffer at the specified offset.
    putLong(int offset, long v)
    Put the 64-bit long value into the buffer at the specified offset.
    putShort(int offset, short v)
    Put the 16-bit short value into the buffer at the specified offset.
  • Method Details

    • getId

      int getId()
      Get the buffer ID for this buffer.
    • length

      int length()
      Get the length of the buffer in bytes. The length reflects the number of bytes which have been allocated to the buffer.
      length of allocated buffer.
    • get

      void get(int offset, byte[] bytes) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException, IOException
      Get the byte data located at the specified offset and store into the bytes array provided.
      offset - byte offset from start of buffer.
      bytes - byte array to store data
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - is thrown if an invalid offset is specified.
      IOException - is thrown if an error occurs while accessing the underlying storage.
    • get

      void get(int offset, byte[] data, int dataOffset, int length) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException, IOException
      Get the byte data located at the specified offset and store into the data array at the specified data offset.
      offset - byte offset from the start of the buffer.
      data - byte array to store the data.
      dataOffset - offset into the data buffer
      length - amount of data to read
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if an invalid offset, dataOffset, or length is specified.
      IOException - is thrown if an error occurs while accessing the underlying storage.
    • get

      byte[] get(int offset, int length) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException, IOException
      Get the byte data located at the specified offset.
      offset - byte offset from start of buffer.
      length - number of bytes to be read and returned
      the byte array.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - is thrown if an invalid offset is specified or the end of the buffer was encountered while reading the data.
      IOException - is thrown if an error occurs while accessing the underlying storage.
    • getByte

      byte getByte(int offset) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException, IOException
      Get the 8-bit byte value located at the specified offset.
      offset - byte offset from start of buffer.
      the byte value at the specified offset.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - is thrown if an invalid offset is specified.
      IOException - is thrown if an error occurs while accessing the underlying storage.
    • getInt

      int getInt(int offset) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException, IOException
      Get the 32-bit integer value located at the specified offset.
      offset - byte offset from start of buffer.
      the integer value at the specified offset.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - is thrown if an invalid offset is specified or the end of the buffer was encountered while reading the value.
      IOException - is thrown if an error occurs while accessing the underlying storage.
    • getShort

      short getShort(int offset) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException, IOException
      Get the 16-bit short value located at the specified offset.
      offset - byte offset from start of buffer.
      the short value at the specified offset.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - is thrown if an invalid offset is specified or the end of the buffer was encountered while reading the value.
      IOException - is thrown if an error occurs while accessing the underlying storage.
    • getLong

      long getLong(int offset) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException, IOException
      Get the 64-bit long value located at the specified offset.
      offset - byte offset from start of buffer.
      the long value at the specified offset.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - is thrown if an invalid offset is specified or the end of the buffer was encountered while reading the value.
      IOException - is thrown if an error occurs while accessing the underlying storage.
    • put

      int put(int offset, byte[] data, int dataOffset, int length) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException, IOException
      Put a specified number of bytes from the array provided into the buffer at the specified offset. The number of bytes stored is specified by the length specified.
      offset - byte offset from start of buffer.
      data - the byte data to be stored.
      dataOffset - the starting offset into the data.
      length - the number of bytes to be stored.
      the next available offset into the buffer, or -1 if the buffer is full.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if an invalid offset is provided or the end of buffer was encountered while storing the data.
      IOException - is thrown if an error occurs while accessing the underlying storage.
    • put

      int put(int offset, byte[] bytes) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException, IOException
      Put the bytes provided into the buffer at the specified offset. The number of bytes stored is determined by the length of the bytes array.
      offset - byte offset from start of buffer.
      bytes - the byte data to be stored.
      the next available offset into the buffer, or -1 if the buffer is full.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if an invalid offset is provided or the end of buffer was encountered while storing the data.
      IOException - is thrown if an error occurs while accessing the underlying storage.
    • putByte

      int putByte(int offset, byte b) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException, IOException
      Put the 8-bit byte value into the buffer at the specified offset.
      offset - byte offset from start of buffer.
      b - the byte value to be stored.
      the next available offset into the buffer, or -1 if the buffer is full.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if an invalid offset is provided.
      IOException - is thrown if an error occurs while accessing the underlying storage.
    • putInt

      int putInt(int offset, int v) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException, IOException
      Put the 32-bit integer value into the buffer at the specified offset.
      offset - byte offset from start of buffer.
      v - the integer value to be stored.
      the next available offset into the buffer, or -1 if the buffer is full.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if an invalid offset is provided or the end of buffer was encountered while storing the data.
      IOException - is thrown if an error occurs while accessing the underlying storage.
    • putShort

      int putShort(int offset, short v) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException, IOException
      Put the 16-bit short value into the buffer at the specified offset.
      offset - byte offset from start of buffer.
      v - the short value to be stored.
      the next available offset into the buffer, or -1 if the buffer is full.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if an invalid offset is provided or the end of buffer was encountered while storing the data.
      IOException - is thrown if an error occurs while accessing the underlying storage.
    • putLong

      int putLong(int offset, long v) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException, IOException
      Put the 64-bit long value into the buffer at the specified offset.
      offset - byte offset from start of buffer.
      v - the long value to be stored.
      the next available offset into the buffer, or -1 if the buffer is full.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if an invalid offset is provided or the end of buffer was encountered while storing the data.
      IOException - is thrown if an error occurs while accessing the underlying storage.