Package db

package db
  • Class
    Allows various non-database supported data types to be encoded within a BinaryField which may be stored within the database.
    BinaryField provides a wrapper for variable length binary data which is read or written to a Record.
    BooleanField provides a wrapper for boolean data which is read or written to a Record.
    Buffer provides a general purpose storage buffer interface providing various data access methods.
    ByteField provides a wrapper for single signed byte data which is read or written to a Record.
    DBBuffer provides storage for large data objects utilizing a common buffer management system.
    ConvertedRecordIterator provides a RecordIterator wrapper for performing record conversion frequently required when using older data.
    Database facilitates the creation of a DBHandle for accessing a database.
    DatabaseUtils provides a collection of database related utilities.
    DBBuffer facilitates synchronized access to a ChainedBuffer.
    DBChangeSet facilitates the reading and writing of application level change data associated with BufferFile.
    DBFieldIterator provides the ability to iterate over Field values within a table.
    DBFileListener facilitates listener notification when new database versions are created.
    DBHandle provides access to an open database.
    Database Listener.
    DBLongIterator provides the ability to iterate over long values within a table.
    Record provides a portable container for data associated with a fixed schema.
    Field is an abstract data wrapper for use with Records.
    FieldIndexTable provides a simplified index table whose key is a fixed or variable length IndexField which consists of a concatenation of the index field value and associated primary table key.
    FieldKeyInteriorNode defines a common interface for FieldKeyNode implementations which are also an InteriorNode.
    FixedField10 provide an unsigned 10-byte fixed-length field value.
    An illegal access has been performed on a field.
    Marker interface for Table interior nodes within the BTree structure.
    IntField provides a wrapper for 4-byte signed integer data which is read or written to a Record.
    LongField provides a wrapper for 8-byte signed long data which is read or written to a Record.
    NoTransactionException occurs when a database modification is attempted when no transaction exists.
    ObjectStorageAdapterDB provides an ObjectStorage implementation for use by Saveable objects.
    RecordIterator provides the ability to iterate over data records within a table.
    Table record leaf nodes within the BTree structure.
    Class for definining the columns in a Ghidra Database table.
    ShortField provides a wrapper for 2-byte signed short data which is read or written to a Record.
    StringField provides a wrapper for variable length String data which is read or written to a Record.
    Table implementation class.
    Table statistics data
    TerminatedTransactionException occurs when a database modification is attempted following the forced/premature termination of an open transaction.
    Provides syntax for opening a database transaction using a try-with-resources block