Package db.buffers

package db.buffers
  • Class
    BlockStream provides a BufferFile block stream.
    BufferFile facilitates read/write access to buffer oriented file.
    BufferFileAdapter provides a BufferFile implementation which wraps a BufferFileHandle.
    BufferFileBlock is used to hold BufferFile blocks for use during block streaming operations.
    BufferFileHandle facilitates access to a BufferFile
    BufferFileManager provides an interface for a BufferFile manager who understands the storage for the various versions of BufferFiles associated with a single database.
    BufferMgr provides low-level buffer management and caching.
    ChangeMap facilitates the decoding of change-data to determine if a specific buffer was modified by the corresponding buffer file version.
    ChangeMapFile tracks which buffers within a LocalBufferFile have been modified between an older and newer version.
    DataBuffer provides an accessible binary buffer for use with a BufferMgr and BufferFile.
    InputBlockStream provides a BufferFile input block stream.
    LocalBufferFile implements a BufferFile as block-oriented random-access file.
    A simple interface that allows for dependency injection
    LocalManagedBufferFile implements a BufferFile as block-oriented random-access file which utilizes a BufferFileManager to identify and facilitate versioning of buffer files.
    BufferFile facilitates read/write access to buffer oriented file.
    ManagedBufferFileAdapter provides a ManagedBufferFile implementation which wraps a ManagedBufferFileHandle.
    ManagedBufferFileHandle facilitates access to a ManagedBufferFile
    OutputBlockStream provides a BufferFile output block stream.
    RemoteBufferFileHandle facilitates access to a remote BufferFile via RMI.
    RemoteManagedBufferFileHandle facilitates access to a ManagedBufferFile via RMI.
    VersionFileHandler allows a set of VersionFile's to be used in the dynamic reconstruction of an older BufferFile.