Class MenuData

Direct Known Subclasses:
MenuBarData, PopupMenuData

public class MenuData extends Object
  • Field Details


      public static final int NO_MNEMONIC
      See Also:

      public static final String NO_SUBGROUP
  • Constructor Details

    • MenuData

      public MenuData(String[] menuPath)
    • MenuData

      public MenuData(String[] menuPath, String group)
    • MenuData

      public MenuData(String[] menuPath, Icon icon)
    • MenuData

      public MenuData(String[] menuPath, Icon icon, String menuGroup)
    • MenuData

      public MenuData(String[] menuPath, Icon icon, String menuGroup, int mnemonic, String menuSubGroup)
    • MenuData

      public MenuData(MenuData menuData)
  • Method Details

    • cloneData

      public MenuData cloneData()
    • firePropertyChanged

      protected void firePropertyChanged(MenuData oldData)
    • getMenuPath

      public String[] getMenuPath()
      Returns the menu path.
      an array of strings where each string is an element of a higher level menu.
    • getMenuPathAsString

      public String getMenuPathAsString()
      Returns the menu path as a string. This method includes accelerator characters in the path
      the menu path as a string
    • getMenuPathDisplayString

      public String getMenuPathDisplayString()
      Returns the menu path as a string. This method filters accelerator chars('&') from the path.
      the menu path as a string without unescaped '&' chars
    • getMnemonic

      public int getMnemonic()
    • getMenuIcon

      public Icon getMenuIcon()
      Returns the icon assigned to this action's menu. Null indicates that this action does not have a menu icon
      the icon
    • getMenuGroup

      public String getMenuGroup()
      Returns the group for the menu item created by this data. This value determines which section inside of the tool's popup menu the menu item will be placed. If you need to control the ordering within a section, then provide a value for setMenuSubGroup(String).
      the group
    • getMenuSubGroup

      public String getMenuSubGroup()
      Returns the subgroup string. This string is used to sort items within a toolbar group. This value is not required. If not specified, then the value will effectively place this item at the end of its specified group.
      the sub-group
    • getParentMenuGroup

      public String getParentMenuGroup()
      Returns the group for the parent menu of the menu item created by this data. That is, this value is effectively the same as getMenuGroup(), but for the parent menu item of this data's item. Setting this value is only valid if the getMenuPath() has a length greater than 1.
      the parent group
    • setIcon

      public void setIcon(Icon newIcon)
    • setMenuGroup

      public void setMenuGroup(String newGroup)
    • setMenuSubGroup

      public void setMenuSubGroup(String newSubGroup)
    • setParentMenuGroup

      public void setParentMenuGroup(String newParentMenuGroup)
      See the description in getParentMenuGroup()
      newParentMenuGroup - the parent group
    • setMenuPath

      public void setMenuPath(String[] newPath)
    • setMnemonic

      public void setMnemonic(Character newMnemonic)
    • clearMnemonic

      public void clearMnemonic()
    • setMenuItemName

      public void setMenuItemName(String newMenuItemName)
      Sets the menu item name and the mnemonic, using the first unescaped '&' found in the text as a marker ("S&ave As").

      NOTE: do NOT use this method with strings that contain user-supplied text. Instead, use setMenuItemNamePlain(String), and then manually set the mnemonic.

      newMenuItemName - the new name for this menu item, with an optional '&' to flag one of the characters of the name as the new mnemonic of this item
    • setMenuItemNamePlain

      public void setMenuItemNamePlain(String newMenuItemName)
      Sets the menu item name, without parsing the name for mnemonics ("&File").

      Use this method instead of setMenuItemName(String) when the name may have '&' characters that need to be preserved, which is typically any user supplied strings.

      newMenuItemName - the new name for this menu item
    • getMenuItemName

      public String getMenuItemName()