Package docking.dnd

Class DragGestureAdapter

All Implemented Interfaces:
DragGestureListener, EventListener

public class DragGestureAdapter extends Object implements DragGestureListener
This class receives notification when the user intitiates a drag and drop operation; it is responsible for getting the Transferable and telling the DragSource to start the drag.
  • Constructor Details

    • DragGestureAdapter

      public DragGestureAdapter(Draggable dragComponent)
      Construct a new DragGestureAdapter
      dragComponent - Component that can support drag operations
  • Method Details

    • dragGestureRecognized

      public void dragGestureRecognized(DragGestureEvent e)
      A DragGestureRecognizer has detected a platform-dependent Drag and Drop action initiating gesture and is notifying this Listener in order for it to initiate the action for the user.

      The DragGestureRecognizer hides the platform-specific events that initate a drag and drop operation.

      Specified by:
      dragGestureRecognized in interface DragGestureListener
      e - event describing the gesture that has just occurred