Package docking.dnd

package docking.dnd
  • Class
    Interface used by the DragDropTree to know how to handle the drag and drop operations.
    Defines a node that is in the DragDropTree.
    Defines data that is available for drag/drop and clipboard transfers.
    Interface to define a drag source.
    This class receives notification when the user intitiates a drag and drop operation; it is responsible for getting the Transferable and telling the DragSource to start the drag.
    Adapter class that receives notifications in order to provide drag over effects.
    Methods called by the DropTargetAdapter that implements the DropTargetListener interface
    Class to handle notifications of drag and drop operations that occur on the DropTarget object.
    Provides a place for clients to retrieve the Clipboard they should be using.
    Generic data flavor class to override the equals(DataFlavor) method in order to have data flavors support the same general class types such as an ArrayList.
    Provides drag-n-drop support for Images