
Class HelpManager

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
GhidraHelpService, TestHelpService

public class HelpManager extends Object implements HelpService
Class that uses JavaHelp browser to show context sensitive help.

Note: this manager will validate all registered help when in development mode. In order to catch items that have not registered help at all, we rely on those items to register a default HelpLocation that will get flagged as invalid. Examples of this usage are the DockingActionIf and the ComponentProvider base classes.

  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • HelpManager

      protected HelpManager(URL url) throws
      url - url for the main HelpSet file for the application.
      Throws: - if HelpSet could not be created
  • Method Details

    • registerHelp

      protected void registerHelp()
    • helpExists

      public boolean helpExists()
      Description copied from interface: HelpService
      Returns true if the help system has been initialized properly; false if help does not exist or is not working.
      Specified by:
      helpExists in interface HelpService
      true if the help system has found the applications help content and has finished initializing
    • addHelpSet

      public void addHelpSet(URL url, GHelpClassLoader classLoader) throws
      Add the help set for the given URL.
      url - url for the HelpSet (.hs) file
      classLoader - the help classloader that knows how to find help modules in the classpath
      Throws: - if the help set could not be created from the given URL.
    • getHomeId

      protected String getHomeId()
      Returns the 'home id' to be used by all help sets in the system (as opposed to allowing each help set to define its own home id.
      the home id
    • excludeFromHelp

      public void excludeFromHelp(Object helpObject)
      Description copied from interface: HelpService
      Signals to the help system to ignore the given object when searching for and validating help. Once this method has been called, no help can be registered for the given object.
      Specified by:
      excludeFromHelp in interface HelpService
      helpObject - the object to exclude from the help system.
    • isExcludedFromHelp

      public boolean isExcludedFromHelp(Object helpObject)
      Description copied from interface: HelpService
      Returns true if the given object is meant to be ignored by the help system
      Specified by:
      isExcludedFromHelp in interface HelpService
      helpObject - the object to check
      true if ignored
      See Also:
    • clearHelp

      public void clearHelp(Object helpObject)
      Description copied from interface: HelpService
      Removes this object from the help system. This method is useful, for example, when a single Java Component will have different help locations assigned over its lifecycle.
      Specified by:
      clearHelp in interface HelpService
      helpObject - the object for which to clear help
    • registerHelp

      public void registerHelp(Object helpObject, HelpLocation location)
      Description copied from interface: HelpService
      Register help for a specific object.

      Do not call this method will a null help location. Instead, to signal that an item has no help, call HelpService.excludeFromHelp(Object).

      Specified by:
      registerHelp in interface HelpService
      helpObject - the object to associate the specified help location with
      location - help content location
    • getHelpLocation

      public HelpLocation getHelpLocation(Object helpObj)
      Description copied from interface: HelpService
      Returns the registered (via HelpService.registerHelp(Object, HelpLocation) help location for the given object; null if there is no registered help.
      Specified by:
      getHelpLocation in interface HelpService
      helpObj - The object for which to find a registered HelpLocation.
      the registered HelpLocation
      See Also:
    • getMasterHelpSet

      public GHelpSet getMasterHelpSet()
      Returns the master help set (the one into which all other help sets are merged).
      the help set
    • reload

      public void reload()
      Description copied from interface: HelpService
      Called when a major system even happens, such as changing the system theme.
      Specified by:
      reload in interface HelpService
    • showHelp

      public void showHelp(URL url)
      Description copied from interface: HelpService
      Display the help page for the given URL. This is a specialty method for displaying help when a specific file is desired, like an introduction page. Showing help for objects within the system is accomplished by calling HelpService.showHelp(Object, boolean, Component).
      Specified by:
      showHelp in interface HelpService
      url - the URL to display
      See Also:
    • showHelp

      public void showHelp(HelpLocation loc)
      Description copied from interface: HelpService
      Display the help page for the given help location.
      Specified by:
      showHelp in interface HelpService
      loc - the location to display.
      See Also:
    • showHelp

      public void showHelp(Object helpObj, boolean infoOnly, Component owner)
      Description copied from interface: HelpService
      Display the Help content identified by the help object.
      Specified by:
      showHelp in interface HelpService
      helpObj - the object to which help was previously registered
      infoOnly - display HelpLocation information only, not the help UI
      owner - requesting component
      See Also:
    • getInvalidHelpLocations

      public Map<Object,HelpLocation> getInvalidHelpLocations(TaskMonitor monitor) throws CancelledException
    • mergePendingHelpSets

      protected void mergePendingHelpSets()