Package help

Interface HelpService

All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultHelpService, GhidraHelpService, HelpManager, TestHelpService

public interface HelpService
HelpService defines a service for displaying Help content by an ID or URL.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final String
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    clearHelp(Object helpObject)
    Removes this object from the help system.
    excludeFromHelp(Object helpObject)
    Signals to the help system to ignore the given object when searching for and validating help.
    Returns the registered (via registerHelp(Object, HelpLocation) help location for the given object; null if there is no registered help.
    Returns true if the help system has been initialized properly; false if help does not exist or is not working.
    Returns true if the given object is meant to be ignored by the help system
    registerHelp(Object helpObject, HelpLocation helpLocation)
    Register help for a specific object.
    Called when a major system even happens, such as changing the system theme.
    Display the help page for the given help location.
    showHelp(Object helpObject, boolean infoOnly, Component parent)
    Display the Help content identified by the help object.
    Display the help page for the given URL.
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • showHelp

      void showHelp(Object helpObject, boolean infoOnly, Component parent)
      Display the Help content identified by the help object.
      helpObject - the object to which help was previously registered
      infoOnly - display HelpLocation information only, not the help UI
      parent - requesting component
      See Also:
    • showHelp

      void showHelp(URL url)
      Display the help page for the given URL. This is a specialty method for displaying help when a specific file is desired, like an introduction page. Showing help for objects within the system is accomplished by calling showHelp(Object, boolean, Component).
      url - the URL to display
      See Also:
    • showHelp

      void showHelp(HelpLocation location)
      Display the help page for the given help location.
      location - the location to display.
      See Also:
    • excludeFromHelp

      void excludeFromHelp(Object helpObject)
      Signals to the help system to ignore the given object when searching for and validating help. Once this method has been called, no help can be registered for the given object.
      helpObject - the object to exclude from the help system.
    • isExcludedFromHelp

      boolean isExcludedFromHelp(Object helpObject)
      Returns true if the given object is meant to be ignored by the help system
      helpObject - the object to check
      true if ignored
      See Also:
    • registerHelp

      void registerHelp(Object helpObject, HelpLocation helpLocation)
      Register help for a specific object.

      Do not call this method will a null help location. Instead, to signal that an item has no help, call excludeFromHelp(Object).

      helpObject - the object to associate the specified help location with
      helpLocation - help content location
    • clearHelp

      void clearHelp(Object helpObject)
      Removes this object from the help system. This method is useful, for example, when a single Java Component will have different help locations assigned over its lifecycle.
      helpObject - the object for which to clear help
    • getHelpLocation

      HelpLocation getHelpLocation(Object object)
      Returns the registered (via registerHelp(Object, HelpLocation) help location for the given object; null if there is no registered help.
      object - The object for which to find a registered HelpLocation.
      the registered HelpLocation
      See Also:
    • helpExists

      boolean helpExists()
      Returns true if the help system has been initialized properly; false if help does not exist or is not working.
      true if the help system has found the applications help content and has finished initializing
    • reload

      void reload()
      Called when a major system even happens, such as changing the system theme.