Package help

package help
  • Class
    This class allows us to change the renderer of the favorites tree.
    A custom Table of Contents view that we specify in our JavaHelp xml documents.
    Our custom factory that knows how to look for extra XML attributes and how to create our custom tree items
    A custom tree item that allows us to store and retrieve custom attributes that we parsed from the TOC xml document.
    Ghidra help broker that displays the help set; sets the application icon on the help frame and attempts to maintain the user window size.
    A class to build help for an entire 'G' application.
    A class that allows Ghidra to intercept JavaHelp navigation events in order to resolve them to Ghidra's help system.
    Ghidra help set that creates a GhidraHelpBroker, installs some custom HTML handling code via the GHelpHTMLEditorKit, and most importantly, changes how the JavaHelp system works with regard to integrating Help Sets.
    Creates the HelpManager for the application.
    A basic arrow that points to the right, with padding on the sides and above.
    HelpService defines a service for displaying Help content by an ID or URL.
    A class that represents the original location of an IMG tag along with its location resolution within the help system.
    This class: Creates a XXX_map.xml file (topic IDs to help files) Creates a XXX_TOC.xml file from a source toc.xml file Finds unused images
    A class that will take in a group of help directories and create a tree of help Table of Contents (TOC) items.
    A class that wraps a Path and allows map lookup for paths from different file systems
    Converts the Ghidra "source" TOC file to a JavaHelp TOC file.
    An interface that allows us to perform dependency injection in the testing environment