
Class DockingMenuItemUI

Direct Known Subclasses:
DockingCheckboxMenuItemUI, DockingMenuUI

public class DockingMenuItemUI extends MenuItemUI
This class exists to make menu items display content with proper alignment whether or not they are displaying an icon. That is, this class will introduce padding for absent icons within menu items so that the item lines up with those items that do contain icons.

This class has an additional feature that allows clients to display menu item content in a tabular fashion. A menu item using this UI can contain some combination of the of the following items, in the given order:

 [Checkbox][Icon][Menu Item Content][Menu Pull-right/Accelerator Text]
To display the Menu Item Content in a tabular fashion, use the '\t' character to delimit the data into columns. This class will align all menu items in the given menu based upon the largest number of columns in the group and the largest width for each column.