Class ScrollableOptionsEditor

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ScrollableOptionsEditor extends Object implements OptionsEditor
Panel that shows each property in an Options category or a Group in an Options category
  • Constructor Details

    • ScrollableOptionsEditor

      public ScrollableOptionsEditor(String title, List<String> optionNames)
      Creates a panel for editing options. This version of the constructor allows the client to specify the option names to put them in some order other than the default alphabetical ordering.
      title - The title of the options panel
      optionNames - the names of the options for this panel
    • ScrollableOptionsEditor

      public ScrollableOptionsEditor(String title)
      Creates a panel for editing options. This version of the constructor will get the options names from the options object when getEditorComponent(Options, EditorStateFactory) is called.
      title - the title for the panel
  • Method Details