Interface OptionsEditor

All Known Implementing Classes:
ListingDisplayOptionsEditor, ScrollableOptionsEditor, SpecExtensionEditor

public interface OptionsEditor
Interface to define methods for an editor that supplies its own component to be displayed in the OptionsDialog.
  • Method Details

    • apply

      void apply() throws InvalidInputException
      Apply the changes.
    • cancel

      void cancel()
      Cancel the changes.
    • reload

      void reload()
      A signal to reload the GUI widgets in the component created by this editor. This will happen when the options change out from under the editor, such as when the user restores the default options values.
    • setOptionsPropertyChangeListener

      void setOptionsPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener)
      Sets the options change listener
      listener -
    • getEditorComponent

      JComponent getEditorComponent(Options options, EditorStateFactory editorStateFactory)
      Get the editor component.
      options - The editable options that for which a GUI component will be created
      editorStateFactory - The factory that will provide state objects this options editor
    • dispose

      void dispose()
      Dispose this editor