Class ListingDisplayOptionsEditor

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ListingDisplayOptionsEditor extends Object implements OptionsEditor
Class for editing Listing display properties.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • ListingDisplayOptionsEditor

      public ListingDisplayOptionsEditor(Options options)
      Constructs a new ListingDisplayOptionsEditor.
      options - the options object to edit
  • Method Details

    • dispose

      public void dispose()
      Description copied from interface: OptionsEditor
      Dispose this editor
      Specified by:
      dispose in interface OptionsEditor
    • apply

      public void apply()
      Description copied from interface: OptionsEditor
      Apply the changes.
      Specified by:
      apply in interface OptionsEditor
    • cancel

      public void cancel()
      Description copied from interface: OptionsEditor
      Cancel the changes.
      Specified by:
      cancel in interface OptionsEditor
    • reload

      public void reload()
      Description copied from interface: OptionsEditor
      A signal to reload the GUI widgets in the component created by this editor. This will happen when the options change out from under the editor, such as when the user restores the default options values.
      Specified by:
      reload in interface OptionsEditor
    • setOptionsPropertyChangeListener

      public void setOptionsPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener)
      Description copied from interface: OptionsEditor
      Sets the options change listener
      Specified by:
      setOptionsPropertyChangeListener in interface OptionsEditor
    • isResizable

      public boolean isResizable()
      Returns true if this component has "good" resizing behavior. Components that do not have this property will be placed in a scrolled pane.
      true if resizable
    • getEditorComponent

      public JComponent getEditorComponent(Options editableOptions, EditorStateFactory editorStateFactory)
      Description copied from interface: OptionsEditor
      Get the editor component.
      Specified by:
      getEditorComponent in interface OptionsEditor
      editableOptions - The editable options that for which a GUI component will be created
      editorStateFactory - The factory that will provide state objects this options editor