Class ThemeFontTableModel

All Implemented Interfaces:
ConfigurableColumnTableModel, DynamicColumnTableModel<FontValue>, RowObjectTableModel<FontValue>, SelectionStorage<FontValue>, SortedTableModel, VariableColumnTableModel, Serializable, EventListener, ChangeListener, TableModel

public class ThemeFontTableModel extends GDynamicColumnTableModel<FontValue,Object>
Table model for theme fonts
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • setShowSystemValues

      public void setShowSystemValues(boolean show)
    • isShowingSystemValues

      public boolean isShowingSystemValues()
    • filter

      protected void filter()
    • reloadCurrent

      public void reloadCurrent()
      Reloads the just the current values shown in the table. Called whenever a font changes.
    • reloadAll

      public void reloadAll()
      Reloads all the current values and all the default values in the table. Called when the theme changes or the application defaults have been forced to reload.
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Description copied from interface: RowObjectTableModel
      Returns the name of this model
      the name of this model
    • getModelData

      public List<FontValue> getModelData()
      Description copied from interface: RowObjectTableModel
      Implementors should return the current data of the model. For models that support filtering, this will be the filtered version of the data. Furthermore, the data should be the underlying data and not a copy, as this method will potentially sort the given data.

      For those subclasses using an array, you may use the Arrays class to create a list backed by the array (Arrays.asList(Object...)).

      the model data.
    • createTableColumnDescriptor

      protected TableColumnDescriptor<FontValue> createTableColumnDescriptor()
      Specified by:
      createTableColumnDescriptor in class GDynamicColumnTableModel<FontValue,Object>
    • getDataSource

      public Object getDataSource()
      Description copied from class: GDynamicColumnTableModel
      Returns the table's context for the data.
      Specified by:
      getDataSource in class GDynamicColumnTableModel<FontValue,Object>
      the table's context for the data.
    • getThemeValue

      public FontValue getThemeValue(String id)
      Returns the original value for the id as defined by the current theme
      id - the resource id to get a font value for
      the original value for the id as defined by the current theme