Class AbstractGTableModel<T>

All Implemented Interfaces:
RowObjectTableModel<T>, SelectionStorage<T>, Serializable, TableModel
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AbstractGTableModel<T> extends AbstractTableModel implements RowObjectTableModel<T>, SelectionStorage<T>
See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final int WIDTH_UNDEFINED
      See Also:
    • isDisposed

      protected boolean isDisposed
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractGTableModel

      public AbstractGTableModel()
  • Method Details

    • getRowObject

      public T getRowObject(int row)
      Description copied from interface: RowObjectTableModel
      Returns the row object for the given row. This is the row in the UI. For models that know how to filter, the model row value will not match the view row value. For non-filtering models the view and model rows will always be the same.
      Specified by:
      getRowObject in interface RowObjectTableModel<T>
      row - the row for which to return a row object.
      the row object
    • getRowIndex

      public int getRowIndex(T rowObject)
      Description copied from interface: RowObjectTableModel
      Returns the row number for the given object.

      Note: the index returned is always the 'view' index. For non-filtering table models, the 'view' and the 'model' index are the same. However, for filtering table models, the 'view' may be a subset of the 'model' index. Thus, it is possible, if this model is a filtering model, that the given t may not have a row value for the current state of the model (i.e., when the model is filtered in the view. If you really need to get the model index in such a situation, see RowObjectFilterModel.

      Specified by:
      getRowIndex in interface RowObjectTableModel<T>
      rowObject - the object
      the row number
    • getRowCount

      public int getRowCount()
      Specified by:
      getRowCount in interface TableModel
    • refresh

      public void refresh()
      Invoke this method when the underlying data has changed, but a reload is not required.
    • getLastSelectedObjects

      public List<T> getLastSelectedObjects()
      Specified by:
      getLastSelectedObjects in interface SelectionStorage<T>
    • setLastSelectedObjects

      public void setLastSelectedObjects(List<T> lastSelectedObjects)
      Specified by:
      setLastSelectedObjects in interface SelectionStorage<T>
    • getPreferredColumnWidth

      public int getPreferredColumnWidth(int columnIndex)
    • getValueAt

      public Object getValueAt(int rowIndex, int columnIndex)
      The default implementation of TableModel.getValueAt(int, int) that calls the abstract RowObjectTableModel.getColumnValueForRow(Object, int).
      Specified by:
      getValueAt in interface TableModel
    • getIndexForRowObject

      protected int getIndexForRowObject(T rowObject)
      A convenience method to search for the index of a given row object that is visible in the GUI. The visible limitation is due to the fact that the data searched is retrieved from RowObjectTableModel.getModelData(), which may be filtered.

      Note: this operation is O(n). For quick lookups, consider using the sorted version of this class.

      rowObject - The object for which to search.
      the index of the item in the data returned by
    • getIndexForRowObject

      protected int getIndexForRowObject(T rowObject, List<T> data)
      Returns the index for the given object in the given list; -1 when the item is not in the list.
      rowObject - the item
      data - the data
      the index
    • dispose

      public void dispose()
      Call this when the model will no longer be used
    • isDisposed

      public boolean isDisposed()
      Returns true if dispose() has been called
      true if dispose() has been called