Interface GComponent

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractGCellRenderer, AbstractGColumnRenderer, AbstractGhidraColumnRenderer, AbstractHtmlLabel, ClearFilterLabel, CodeUnitTableCellRenderer, CompositeGhidraTableCellRenderer, DefaultTableCellRendererWrapper, DefaultTimestampRenderer, DockingMenuItem, DropDownMultiSelectionTextField, DropDownSelectionTextField, DropDownTextField, DropDownTextField.DropDownList, GBooleanCellRenderer, GCheckBox, GComboBox, GDHtmlLabel, GDLabel, GenericDateCellRenderer, GhidraComboBox, GhidraTableCellRenderer, GHtmlCheckBox, GHtmlLabel, GIconLabel, GLabel, GList, GListCellRenderer, GRadioButton, GTableCellRenderer, GTreeRenderer, HiddenValuesButton, LogLevelTableCellRenderer, LongRenderer, MonospacedByteRenderer, PreviewDataTableCellRenderer, StatusBarSpacer

public interface GComponent
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final String
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default boolean
    Returns the current HTML rendering enablement of this component.
    default void
    setHTMLRenderingEnabled(boolean enabled)
    Enables and disables the rendering of HTML content in this component.
    static void
    setHTMLRenderingFlag(JComponent comp, boolean enabled)
    Sets the HTML rendering flag for the specified component.
    static void
    Helper function that logs a warning about a string text that looks like it has HTML text.
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • setHTMLRenderingEnabled

      default void setHTMLRenderingEnabled(boolean enabled)
      Enables and disables the rendering of HTML content in this component. If enabled, this component will interpret HTML content when the text this component is showing begins with <html>
      enabled - true to enable HTML rendering; false to disable it
    • isHTMLRenderingEnabled

      default boolean isHTMLRenderingEnabled()
      Returns the current HTML rendering enablement of this component.
      boolean, true if HTML rendering is allowed
    • warnAboutHtmlText

      static void warnAboutHtmlText(String text)
      Helper function that logs a warning about a string text that looks like it has HTML text.

      Use this when working with a string in a label that has already disabled HTML rendering.

      text - string to test for HTML and warn about
    • setHTMLRenderingFlag

      static void setHTMLRenderingFlag(JComponent comp, boolean enabled)
      Sets the HTML rendering flag for the specified component.
      comp - the thing
      enabled - boolean, if true html rendering will be allowed