Class GRadioButton

All Implemented Interfaces:
GComponent, ImageObserver, ItemSelectable, MenuContainer, Serializable, Accessible, SwingConstants

public class GRadioButton extends JRadioButton implements GComponent
A JRadioButton that disables HTML rendering.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • GRadioButton

      public GRadioButton()
      Creates a blank radio button with HTML rendering disabled.
    • GRadioButton

      public GRadioButton(Icon icon)
      Creates a radio button with the specified icon, with HTML rendering disabled.
      icon - image to display
    • GRadioButton

      public GRadioButton(Action a)
      Creates a radio button with properties taken from the specified Action, with HTML rendering disabled.
      a - Action
    • GRadioButton

      public GRadioButton(Icon icon, boolean selected)
      Creates a radio button with the specified icon and selected state, with HTML rendering disabled.
      icon - image to display
      selected - initial selection state, true means selected
    • GRadioButton

      public GRadioButton(String text)
      Creates a radio button with the specified text, with HTML rendering disabled.
      text - string to be displayed by the label
    • GRadioButton

      public GRadioButton(String text, boolean selected)
      Creates a radio button with the specified text and selected state, with HTML rendering disabled.
      text - string to be displayed by the label
      selected - initial selection state, true means selected
    • GRadioButton

      public GRadioButton(String text, Icon icon)
      Creates a radio button that has the specified text and icon, with HTML rendering disabled.
      text - string to be displayed by the label
      icon - image to display
    • GRadioButton

      public GRadioButton(String text, Icon icon, boolean selected)
      Creates a radio button that has the specified text, icon, and selected state, with HTML rendering disabled.
      text - string to be displayed by the label
      icon - image to display
      selected - initial selection state, true means selected