Class AutocompletionCellRenderer<T>

Type Parameters:
T - the type of items suggested by the autocompleter.
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class AutocompletionCellRenderer<T> extends Object implements ListCellRenderer<T>
This is a default list cell renderer for the TextFieldAutocompleter suitable for extension if a user wishes to customize it. Mostly, this just composes Swing's DefaultListCellRenderer, except it allows each suggested item to specify its own text, font, icon, foreground color, and background color. Of course, the display text may also use HTML tags for fine formatting.
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • AutocompletionCellRenderer

      public AutocompletionCellRenderer(TextFieldAutocompleter<T> owner)
      Create a renderer owned by the given autocompleter.
      owner - the autocompleter that uses (or will use) this renderer.
  • Method Details