Class TableChooserDialog<T>

Type Parameters:
T - the type
All Implemented Interfaces:
ActionContextProvider, StatusListener, TaskListener

@Deprecated(forRemoval=true, since="9.3") public class TableChooserDialog<T> extends DialogComponentProvider
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This class has been replaced by TableSelectionDialog. At the time of writing, both classes are identical. This version introduced a naming conflict with another API. Thus, the new version better matches the existing dialog choosing API.
  • Constructor Details

    • TableChooserDialog

      @Deprecated(forRemoval=true, since="9.3") public TableChooserDialog(String title, RowObjectTableModel<T> model, boolean allowMultipleSelection)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      see the class header
      Create a new Dialog for displaying and choosing table row items
      title - The title for the dialog
      model - a RowObjectTableModel that has the tRable data
      allowMultipleSelection - if true, the dialog allows the user to select more than one row; otherwise, only single selection is allowed
  • Method Details

    • getSelectionItems

      @Deprecated(forRemoval=true, since="9.3") public List<T> getSelectionItems()
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      see the class header
      Returns the list of selected items or null if the dialog was cancelled.
      the list of selected items or null if the dialog was cancelled.
    • processMouseClicked

      protected void processMouseClicked(MouseEvent e)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
    • okCallback

      protected void okCallback()
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Description copied from class: DialogComponentProvider
      The callback method for when the "OK" button is pressed.
      okCallback in class DialogComponentProvider
    • cancelCallback

      protected void cancelCallback()
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Description copied from class: DialogComponentProvider
      The callback method for when the "Cancel" button is pressed. The default behavior is to call setVisible(false) and dispose() on the dialog.
      cancelCallback in class DialogComponentProvider
    • dialogShown

      protected void dialogShown()
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Description copied from class: DialogComponentProvider
      Override this method if you want to do something when the dialog is made visible
      dialogShown in class DialogComponentProvider
    • updateOkEnabled

      protected void updateOkEnabled()
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.