Class FieldPanelOverLayoutEvent


public class FieldPanelOverLayoutEvent extends Object
An event related to component layout over a FieldPanel.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • FieldPanelOverLayoutEvent

      public FieldPanelOverLayoutEvent(Field field, FieldLocation loc, Component component)
      Create a new event on the given field, location, and component.
      field - the field that will have a component placed over it
      loc - the location of the field
      component - the component to be placed over the field
  • Method Details

    • getField

      public Field getField()
      Get the field that will have a component placed over it
      the field
    • getLocation

      public FieldLocation getLocation()
      Get the field location
      the location of the field
    • getComponent

      public Component getComponent()
      Get the component to be placed over the field
      the component
    • consume

      public void consume()
      Prevent this event from being further processed. The actual layout will still occur, though.
    • isConsumed

      public boolean isConsumed()
      Check if this event has been consumed by an earlier listener.
      true if the event has been consumed, i.e., should not be further processed
    • cancel

      public void cancel()
      Prevent the actual layout from taking place. Further listeners may still process this event, though.
    • isCancelled

      public boolean isCancelled()
      Check if the actual layout will be performed.
      true if the layout has been cancelled.