Class FieldPanelOverLayoutManager

All Implemented Interfaces:
LayoutManager, LayoutManager2

public class FieldPanelOverLayoutManager extends Object implements LayoutManager2
A LayoutManager that can be applied to a FieldPanel, allowing Components to be placed over a given field location.

To apply it, use Container.setLayout(LayoutManager) to install it. In this case, the Container must be a FieldPanel. Then, use Container.add(Component, Object), passing a FieldLocation as the constraint. Currently, you must call layoutContainer(Container) manually after you add or remove any components.

When this layout manager is removed from the FieldPanel, you should call unregister() in order to dispose of internal resources.

  • Constructor Details

    • FieldPanelOverLayoutManager

      public FieldPanelOverLayoutManager(FieldPanel fieldpane)
  • Method Details