Class FieldSelection

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class FieldSelection extends Object implements Iterable<FieldRange>
This class represents a selection in a field viewer.

A FieldSelection may be within a single layout or may cross multiple layouts. To determine if a selection crosses multiple layouts, you can get the range of the selection. You can then use the range's start and end locations to determine if the selection spans multiple layouts. If the start and end indexes of the range are the same, then the selection is within a single layout; otherwise, the selection spans multiple layouts.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • FieldSelection

      public FieldSelection()
      Construct a new empty FieldSelection.
    • FieldSelection

      public FieldSelection(FieldSelection selection)
      Construct a new FieldSelection with the same selection as the given FieldSelection.
      selection - the FieldSelection to copy.
  • Method Details

    • clear

      public void clear()
      Removes all indexes from the list.
    • contains

      public boolean contains(FieldLocation loc)
      Returns true if the given Field at the given index is in the selection.
      loc - the field location.
      true if the field selection contains the specified location.
    • getRangeContaining

      public FieldRange getRangeContaining(FieldLocation loc)
      Returns the range if the given Field at the given index is in the selection. Otherwise returns null.
      loc - location to find the range for.
      the range
    • containsEntirely

      public boolean containsEntirely(BigInteger index)
      Returns true if the all the fields in the layout with the given index are included in this selection.
      index - index of the layout to test.
      true if the all the fields in the layout with the given index are included in this selection.
    • containsEntirely

      public boolean containsEntirely(FieldRange range)
    • excludesEntirely

      public boolean excludesEntirely(FieldRange range)
    • excludesEntirely

      public boolean excludesEntirely(BigInteger index)
    • addRange

      public void addRange(FieldLocation start, FieldLocation end)
      Adds a field range to this selection.
      start - the starting field location.
      end - the ending field location.
    • addRange

      public void addRange(int startIndex, int endIndex)
      Add the all the indexes from startIndex to endIndex to the selection. The added range includes the startIndex, but not the endIndex.
      startIndex - the start index of the layouts to include
      endIndex - the end index(not inclusive) of the layouts to include
    • addRange

      public void addRange(BigInteger startIndex, BigInteger endIndex)
    • addRange

      public void addRange(int startIndex, int startFieldNum, int endIndex, int endFieldNum)
    • addRange

      public void addRange(BigInteger startIndex, int startFieldNum, BigInteger endIndex, int endFieldNum)
    • removeRange

      public void removeRange(FieldLocation start, FieldLocation end)
      Removes the given field range from the current selection.
      start - the starting field location.
      end - the ending field location.
    • removeRange

      public void removeRange(int startIndex, int endIndex)
      Removes the all the fields in the index range from the selection.
      startIndex - the first index in the range to remove.
      endIndex - the last index in the range to remove.
    • removeRange

      public void removeRange(BigInteger startIndex, BigInteger endIndex)
    • getNumRanges

      public int getNumRanges()
      Returns the current number of ranges in the list.
      the current number of ranges in the list.
    • getFieldRange

      public FieldRange getFieldRange(int rangeNum)
      Returns the i'th Field Range in the selection.
      rangeNum - the index of the range to retrieve.
      the range
    • intersect

      public final void intersect(FieldSelection selection)
      Compute the intersection of this field selection and another one. The intersection of two field selections is all fields existing in both selections.

      Note: This field selection becomes the intersection.

      selection - field selection to intersect.
    • findIntersection

      public final FieldSelection findIntersection(FieldSelection selection)
      Computes the intersection of this field selection and the given field selection.
      selection - the selection to intersect with.
      the selection
    • delete

      public final void delete(FieldSelection selection)
      Delete all fields in the ranges in the given field selection from this one.
      selection - the field selection fields to remove from this field selection.
    • insert

      public final void insert(FieldSelection selection)
      Insert all fields in the ranges in the given field selection from this one.
      selection - the field selection fields to add to this field selection.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals in class Object
    • save

      public void save(SaveState saveState)
    • load

      public void load(SaveState saveState)
    • isEmpty

      public boolean isEmpty()
    • intersect

      public FieldSelection intersect(int index)
    • intersect

      public FieldSelection intersect(BigInteger index)
    • intersect

      public FieldSelection intersect(FieldRange range)
    • addRange

      public void addRange(FieldRange range)
    • iterator

      public Iterator<FieldRange> iterator()
      Specified by:
      iterator in interface Iterable<FieldRange>