Interface TextFilter

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractPatternTextFilter, ContainsTextFilter, FindsPatternTextFilter, InvertedTextFilter, MatchesExactlyTextFilter, MatchesPatternTextFilter, StartsWithTextFilter

public interface TextFilter
  • Method Details

    • matches

      boolean matches(String text)
    • getFilterText

      String getFilterText()
    • isSubFilterOf

      boolean isSubFilterOf(TextFilter filter)
      Returns true if this filter is a more specific filter of the given filter. This is specific to the implementation. Some filters cannot be sub-filters of another filter, such as the 'matches exactly' filter. Contrastingly, a 'starts with' filter can have a sub-filter; for example, for a 'starts with' filter, 'cat' is a sub-filter of 'ca', as 'cat' starts with 'ca'.
      filter - the potential parent filter
      true if this filter is a more specific filter of the given filter.