Class ColumnBasedTableFilter<R>

Type Parameters:
R - the row type of the table
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ColumnBasedTableFilter<R> extends Object implements TableFilter<R>
A TableFilter that filters based on column values

This class maintains a list of ColumnConstraintSet objects that are logically combined to determine if the overall filter accepts the given row object. Each ColumnConstraint has an associated LogicOperation which determines how its result are combined with the constraint set before it. (The first ConstraintSets LogicOperation is not used). AND operations have higher precedence than the OR operations.

  • Constructor Details

    • ColumnBasedTableFilter

      public ColumnBasedTableFilter(RowObjectTableModel<R> model)
      Constructs a new empty ColumnBasedTableFilter
      model - the table model
  • Method Details

    • copy

      public ColumnBasedTableFilter<R> copy()
    • acceptsRow

      public boolean acceptsRow(R rowObject)
      Description copied from interface: TableFilter
      Returns true if this filter matches the given row (data)
      Specified by:
      acceptsRow in interface TableFilter<R>
      rowObject - the current row object
      true if the element at the given row matches this filter.
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Returns the name of this filter.

      Names are used for saving filters, so unless they are saved they typically don't have a name.

      the name of this filter.
    • setName

      public void setName(String name)
      Sets the name of this filter.
      name - the new name for this filter.
    • addConstraintSet

      public <T> void addConstraintSet(LogicOperation logicalOp, int columnIndex, List<ColumnConstraint<T>> constraints)
      Adds a new constraintSet to this ColumnBasedTableFilter
      logicalOp - The logic operation (AND or OR) for how the new ConstraintSet's result will be combined with the previous ConstraintSet's result.
      columnIndex - the model index of the column whose values must past the given constraint filters.
      constraints - a list of ColumnConstraints where at least one must pass for the constraintSet to pass.
    • isSubFilterOf

      public boolean isSubFilterOf(TableFilter<?> tableFilter)
      Description copied from interface: TableFilter
      Returns true if this filter is a more specific version of the given filter.

      For example, if this filter is a 'starts with' text filter, with the value of 'bobo', then if the given filter is also a 'starts with' filter, with a value of 'bob', then this filter is considered a sub-filter of the given sub-filter.

      Specified by:
      isSubFilterOf in interface TableFilter<R>
      tableFilter - the filter to check
      true if this filter is a sub-filter of the given filter
    • hasColumnFilter

      public boolean hasColumnFilter(int columnModelIndex)
      Description copied from interface: TableFilter
      Returns true if the there is a column filter on the column specified
      Specified by:
      hasColumnFilter in interface TableFilter<R>
      columnModelIndex - the model index of the column to test for column filters.
      true if the there is a column filter on the column specified.
    • getConstraintSets

      public List<ColumnConstraintSet<R,?>> getConstraintSets()
      Return the list of ConstraintSets in this TableFilter
      the list of ConstraintSets in this TableFilter
    • save

      public SaveState save()
      Serializes this filter into a SaveState object.
      the SaveState serialized version of this filter.
    • restore

      public <T> void restore(SaveState saveState, Object dataSource)
      Restore this filter from the given saveState.
      saveState - that contains the serialized filter data
      dataSource - the Table's DataSource which some objects might need to restore themselves.
    • getHtmlRepresentation

      public String getHtmlRepresentation()
      Returns an HTML description of this filter.

      Note: the HTML string returned does NOT start with the HTML tag so that it can be combined with other text.

      an HTML description of this filter.
    • getToolTip

      public String getToolTip(int columnIndex)
      Return a tooltip that describes the effect of this filter for a specific filter.
      columnIndex - the model index of the column to get a filter description of.
      a tooltip that describes this filter for a specific column.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals in class Object
    • isEquivalent

      public boolean isEquivalent(ColumnBasedTableFilter<?> other)
      Checks if the given ColumnBasedTableFilter is the same as this one except for its name.
      other - the other filter to check for equivalence.
      true if the other filter is the same as this one except for its name
    • isSaved

      public boolean isSaved()
      Returns true if this filter has been saved (i.e. has a name)
      true if this filter has been saved (i.e. has a name)