Class TextFieldLinker


public class TextFieldLinker extends Object
A class that links text fields into a "formatted text field", separated by expressions.

This fulfills a similar purpose to formatted text fields, except the individual parts may be placed independent of the other components. Granted, they ought to appear in an intuitive order. The input string is split among a collection of JTextFields each according to a given pattern -- excluding the final field. Cursor navigation, insertion, deletion, etc. are all applied as if the linked text fields were part of a single composite text field.

The individual text fields must be constructed and added by the user, as in the example:

 Box hbox = Box.createHorizontalBox();
 TextFieldLinker linker = new TextFieldLinker();
 JTextField first = new JTextField();
 linker.linkField(first, "\\s+", " ");
 JTextField second = new JTextField();
 hbox.add(new GLabel("-"));
 linker.linkField(second, "-", "-");
 JTextField third = new JTextField();
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • TextFieldLinker

      public TextFieldLinker()
  • Method Details

    • instrument

      protected void instrument()
      Once all fields are added, register all the listeners
    • dispose

      protected void dispose()
      Unregister all the listeners, effectively unlinking the fields
    • linkField

      public void linkField(JTextField field, String exp, String sep)
      See Also:
    • linkField

      public void linkField(JTextField field, Pattern pat, String sep)
      Add a new text field to this linker

      Links the given field with the others present in this linker, if any. pat is a regular expression that dictates where the given field ends, and the next field begins. When pat matches a part of the text in field, the text is split and re-flowed so that the second part is moved into the next linked field. The separator is omitted from both fields. The fields should be positioned in order with labels between that display the expected separators, so that the user may understand what is happening. The getText() and getTextBeforeCursor(JTextField) methods will include sep between the fields.

      Any number of fields may be added in this fashion, but the last field -- having no associated pattern or separator -- must be added using linkLastField(JTextField). Thus, before linking is actually activated, at least one field must be present. To be meaningful, at least two fields should be linked.

      NOTE: pat must accept sep, otherwise calling setText(String) with the results of getText() will have unexpected effects.

      field - the field to link
      pat - the regular expression to search for following the field
      sep - the separator that replaces pat when matched
    • linkLastField

      public void linkLastField(JTextField field)
      Add the final field, and actually link the fields

      The fields are not effectively linked until this method is called. Additionally, once this method is called, the linker cannot take any additional fields.

      field - the final field
    • checkLast

      protected void checkLast()
      Check if this linker is mutable
    • findField

      protected int findField(Component field)
      Get the index of a field.
      field - the field
      the index, or -1 if the field does not belong to this composite field
    • buildField

      protected JTextField buildField(int i)
      Provides an opportunity to compose the field from an extension of JTextField
      i - the index of the field to construct
      a newly-constructed text field
    • syncStateLater

      protected void syncStateLater()
      Schedule a state synchronization.
    • clear

      public void clear()
      Clear the composite field, i.e., clear all the linked fields
    • getText

      public String getText()
      Get the full composite text
      the text, including separators
    • setText

      public void setText(String text)
      Set the full composite text
      text - the text, including separators
    • setFont

      public void setFont(Font font)
      Set the font for all linked fields
      font - the new font
    • setCaretPosition

      public void setCaretPosition(int pos) throws BadLocationException
      Set the location of the caret among the composite text
      pos - the position, including separators
      BadLocationException - if the position is larger than the composite text
    • getTextBeforeCursor

      public String getTextBeforeCursor(JTextField where)
      Get the text preceding the caret in the given field
      where - the field whose caret to consider
      the text
    • getField

      public JTextField getField(int i)
      Get an individual field in the composite
      i - the index of the field
      the field
    • getFocusedField

      public JTextField getFocusedField()
      Get the individual field last having focus

      Effectively, this gives the field containing the composite caret

      the last-focused field
    • getNumFields

      public int getNumFields()
      Get the number of fields in this composite
      the field count
    • setVisible

      public void setVisible(boolean visible)
      Set the visibility of all the component fields
      visible - true to show, false to hide
    • isVisible

      public boolean isVisible()
      Check if all component fields are visible
      false if any component is not visible, true otherwise
    • addFocusListener

      public void addFocusListener(FocusListener listener)
      Add a focus listener

      The focus listener will receive a callback only when focus is passed completely outside the composite text field. No events are generated when focus passes from one field in the composite to another.

      listener - the focus listener to add
    • removeFocusListener

      public void removeFocusListener(FocusListener listener)
      Remove a focus listener
      listener - the focus listener to remove
    • fireFocusListeners

      protected void fireFocusListeners(FocusEvent ev)
      Fire the given event on all registered focus listeners
      ev - the event
    • twoSpacedFields

      public static TextFieldLinker twoSpacedFields()
      A convenient factory to build two fields separated by spaces
      the linker containing two new linked JTextFields