Class AbstractMageJPanel<T>

All Implemented Interfaces:
MagePanel<T>, WizardPanel, ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable, Accessible

public abstract class AbstractMageJPanel<T> extends JPanel implements MagePanel<T>
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractMageJPanel

      public AbstractMageJPanel()
    • AbstractMageJPanel

      public AbstractMageJPanel(LayoutManager layout)
  • Method Details

    • addWizardPanelListener

      public void addWizardPanelListener(WizardPanelListener l)
      Description copied from interface: WizardPanel
      Add a listener to this panel.
      Specified by:
      addWizardPanelListener in interface WizardPanel
      l - listener to add
    • removeWizardPanelListener

      public void removeWizardPanelListener(WizardPanelListener l)
      Description copied from interface: WizardPanel
      Remove the listener from this panel.
      Specified by:
      removeWizardPanelListener in interface WizardPanel
      l - listener to remove
    • notifyListenersOfValidityChanged

      protected void notifyListenersOfValidityChanged()
      Notification that something on the panel has changed.
    • notifyListenersOfStatusMessage

      protected void notifyListenersOfStatusMessage(String msg)
      Notification that a message should be displayed on the panel.
      msg - message to display
    • getPanel

      public JPanel getPanel()
      Description copied from interface: WizardPanel
      Get the panel object
      Specified by:
      getPanel in interface WizardPanel
      JPanel panel
    • getDefaultFocusComponent

      public Component getDefaultFocusComponent()
      Description copied from interface: WizardPanel
      Returns the component, if any, that should receive focus when this panel is shown.
      Specified by:
      getDefaultFocusComponent in interface WizardPanel
      the component, if any, that should receive focus when this panel is shown; null if no preferred focus component exists.
    • getHelpLocation

      public HelpLocation getHelpLocation()
      Description copied from interface: WizardPanel
      Returns the help content location for this panel.
      Specified by:
      getHelpLocation in interface WizardPanel
      String help location for this panel; return null if default help location should be used.