Interface WizardPanel

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractMageJPanel, AbstractWizardJPanel, ProjectAccessPanel, RepositoryPanel, ServerInfoPanel, ViewProjectAccessPanel

public interface WizardPanel
Interface to define methods for panels to be shown in the wizard dialog.
  • Method Details

    • getTitle

      String getTitle()
      Get the title for this panel.
      String title
    • getPanel

      JPanel getPanel()
      Get the panel object
      JPanel panel
    • isValidInformation

      boolean isValidInformation()
      Return true if the user entered valid information for this panel.
      boolean whether or not the info on the panel valid
    • initialize

      void initialize()
      Initialize the panel as though this is the first time it is being displayed.
    • addWizardPanelListener

      void addWizardPanelListener(WizardPanelListener l)
      Add a listener to this panel.
      l - listener to add
    • removeWizardPanelListener

      void removeWizardPanelListener(WizardPanelListener l)
      Remove the listener from this panel.
      l - listener to remove
    • getHelpLocation

      HelpLocation getHelpLocation()
      Returns the help content location for this panel.
      String help location for this panel; return null if default help location should be used.
    • getDefaultFocusComponent

      Component getDefaultFocusComponent()
      Returns the component, if any, that should receive focus when this panel is shown.
      the component, if any, that should receive focus when this panel is shown; null if no preferred focus component exists.