Package generic

Interface Span.MutableSpanSet<N,S extends Span<N,S>>

Type Parameters:
N - the type of endpoints
S - the type of spans
All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
Span.DefaultSpanSet, ULongSpan.DefaultULongSpanSet
Enclosing interface:
Span<N,S extends Span<N,S>>

public static interface Span.MutableSpanSet<N,S extends Span<N,S>> extends Span.SpanSet<N,S>
An abstract interface for a mutable Span.SpanSet
  • Method Details

    • add

      void add(S s)
      Add a span to the set

      Any connected spans will be coalesced.

      s - the span
    • addAll

      void addAll(Span.SpanSet<N,S> set)
      Add all spans from the given set into this one

      The spans from both maps amy be coalesced when entered into this one. (The given map remains unmodified.)

      set - the other set
    • remove

      void remove(S s)
      Remove a span from the set

      Spans which intersect the given span are truncated. Spans which are enclosed are deleted, such that no value in the given span remains in the set.

      s - the span
    • clear

      void clear()
      Remove all spans from the set