Class GenericApplicationLayout


public class GenericApplicationLayout extends ApplicationLayout
A low-level implementation of ApplicationLayout that is suitable for basic applications. This class makes use of the Module system to find application components at runtime.
  • Constructor Details

    • GenericApplicationLayout

      public GenericApplicationLayout(String name, String version) throws IOException
      Constructs a new application layout object with the given name and version.
      name - The name of the application.
      version - The version of the application.
      IOException - if there was a problem getting a user directory.
    • GenericApplicationLayout

      public GenericApplicationLayout(ApplicationProperties applicationProperties) throws IOException
      Constructs a new application layout object with the given set of application properties. The default Ghidra application root directory(s) will be used.
      applicationProperties - The properties object that will be read system properties.
      IOException - if there was a problem getting a user directory.
    • GenericApplicationLayout

      public GenericApplicationLayout(Collection<ResourceFile> applicationRootDirs, ApplicationProperties applicationProperties) throws IOException
      Constructs a new application layout object with the given set of application properties.
      applicationRootDirs - list of application root directories which should be used to identify modules and resources. The first entry will be treated as the installation root.
      applicationProperties - The properties object that will be read system properties.
      IOException - if there was a problem getting a user directory.
  • Method Details

    • getAdditionalApplicationRootDirs

      protected Collection<ResourceFile> getAdditionalApplicationRootDirs(Collection<ResourceFile> roots)
    • findModules

      protected Map<String,GModule> findModules()
    • getDefaultApplicationRootDirs

      public static Collection<ResourceFile> getDefaultApplicationRootDirs()
      Get the default list of Application directories. In repo-based development mode this includes the root Ghidra directory within each repo. When not in development mode, the requirement is that the current working directory correspond to the installation root. The first entry will be the primary root in both cases.
      root directories