Class ApplicationLayout

Direct Known Subclasses:
DummyApplicationLayout, GenericApplicationLayout, GhidraApplicationLayout

public abstract class ApplicationLayout extends Object
The Application Layout base class defines the customizable elements of the application's directory structure. Create a subclass to define a custom layout.

If a layout changes in a significant way, the ApplicationProperties.APPLICATION_LAYOUT_VERSION_PROPERTY should be incremented so external things like Eclipse GhidraDev know to look in different places for things.

  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • ApplicationLayout

      public ApplicationLayout()
  • Method Details

    • getApplicationProperties

      public final ApplicationProperties getApplicationProperties()
      Gets the application properties from the application layout
      The application properties. Should never be null.
    • getApplicationRootDirs

      public final Collection<ResourceFile> getApplicationRootDirs()
      Gets the application root directories from the application layout.
      A collection of application root directories (or null if not set).
    • getApplicationInstallationDir

      public final ResourceFile getApplicationInstallationDir()
      Gets the application installation directory from the application layout.
      The application installation directory (or null if not set).
    • getModules

      public final Map<String,GModule> getModules()
      Gets the application's modules from the application layout.
      The application's modules as a map (mapping module name to module for convenience).
    • getUserTempDir

      public final File getUserTempDir()
      Gets the user temp directory from the application layout.
      The user temp directory (or null if not set).
    • getUserCacheDir

      public final File getUserCacheDir()
      Gets the user cache directory from the application layout.
      The user cache directory (or null if not set).
    • getUserSettingsDir

      public final File getUserSettingsDir()
      Gets the user settings directory from the application layout.
      The user settings directory (or null if not set).
    • getExtensionArchiveDir

      public final ResourceFile getExtensionArchiveDir()
      Returns the directory where archived application Extensions are stored. This directory may contain both zip files and subdirectories. This directory is only used inside of an installation; development mode does not use this directory. This directory is used to ship pre-built Ghidra extensions as part of a distribution.

      This should be at the following location:

      • {install dir}/Extensions/Ghidra
      the application Extensions archive directory. Could be null if the ApplicationLayout does not support application Extensions.
    • getExtensionInstallationDirs

      public final List<ResourceFile> getExtensionInstallationDirs()
      Returns a prioritized ordered list of the application Extensions installation directories. Typically, the values may be any of the following locations:
      • [user settings dir]/Extensions
      • [application install dir]/Ghidra/Extensions (Release Mode)
      • ghidra/Ghidra/Extensions (Development Mode)
      an ordered list of the application Extensions installation directories. Could be empty if the ApplicationLayout does not support application Extensions.
    • getPatchDir

      public final ResourceFile getPatchDir()
      Returns the location of the application patch directory. The patch directory can be used to modify existing code within a distribution.
      the patch directory; may be null
    • inSingleJarMode

      public boolean inSingleJarMode()
      Checks whether or not the application is using a "single jar" layout. Custom application layouts that extend this class can override this method once they determine they are in single jar mode.
      true if the application is using a "single jar" layout; otherwise, false.