Package ghidra

Class GhidraApplicationLayout

Direct Known Subclasses:
GhidraJarApplicationLayout, GhidraTestApplicationLayout

public class GhidraApplicationLayout extends ApplicationLayout
The Ghidra application layout defines the customizable elements of the Ghidra application's directory structure.
  • Constructor Details

    • GhidraApplicationLayout

      public GhidraApplicationLayout() throws IOException
      Constructs a new Ghidra application layout object.
      IOException - if there was a problem getting a user directory or the application properties or modules.
    • GhidraApplicationLayout

      public GhidraApplicationLayout(File applicationInstallationDir) throws IOException
      Constructs a new Ghidra application layout object using a provided application installation directory instead of this layout's default.

      This is used when something external to Ghidra needs Ghidra's layout (like the Eclipse GhidraDevPlugin).

      applicationInstallationDir - The application installation directory.
      IOException - if there was a problem getting a user directory or the application properties.
  • Method Details

    • findGhidraApplicationRootDirs

      protected Collection<ResourceFile> findGhidraApplicationRootDirs()
      Finds the application root directories for this application layout.
      A collection of the application root directories for this layout.
    • findGhidraApplicationInstallationDir

      protected ResourceFile findGhidraApplicationInstallationDir()
      Finds the application installation directory for this Ghidra application layout.
      The application installation directory for this Ghidra application layout. Could be null if there is no application installation directory.
    • findGhidraModules

      protected Map<String,GModule> findGhidraModules() throws IOException
      Finds the modules for this Ghidra application layout.
      The modules for this Ghidra application layout.
      IOException - if there was a problem finding the modules on disk.
    • findPatchDirectory

      protected ResourceFile findPatchDirectory()
      Returns the directory that allows users to add jar and class files to override existing distribution files
      the patch dir; null if not in a distribution
    • findExtensionArchiveDirectory

      protected ResourceFile findExtensionArchiveDirectory()
      Returns the directory where all Ghidra extension archives are stored. This should be at the following location:
      • {install dir}/Extensions/Ghidra
      the archive folder, or null if can't be determined
    • findExtensionInstallationDirectories

      protected List<ResourceFile> findExtensionInstallationDirectories()
      Returns a prioritized list of directories where Ghidra extensions are installed. These should be at the following locations:
      • [user settings dir]/Extensions
      • [application install dir]/Ghidra/Extensions (Release Mode)
      • ghidra/Ghidra/Extensions (Development Mode)
      the install folder, or null if can't be determined