Class QResult<I,R>

Type Parameters:
I - the type of the items in the ConcurrentQ.
R - the type of objects returned from processing an item in a ConcurrentQ.

public class QResult<I,R> extends Object
Class for holding the result of processing an Item in a ConcurrentQ.
  • Constructor Details

    • QResult

      public QResult(I item, Future<R> future)
  • Method Details

    • getItem

      public I getItem()
      Returns the item that was processed.
      the item that was processed.
    • getResult

      public R getResult() throws Exception
      The result from processing the item. Will be null if the item was cancelled or had an error.
      the result from processing the item or null if it did not complete successfully.
      Exception - any exception that was thrown during the processing of the input item
    • getError

      public Exception getError()
      Returns any Exception that was encountered during processing of the item
      any Exception that was encountered during processing of the item
    • hasError

      public boolean hasError()
      Returns true if the item encountered an error while processing the item.
      true if the item encountered an error while processing the item.
    • isCancelled

      public boolean isCancelled()
      Returns true if the item's processing was cancelled.
      true if the item's processing was cancelled.