Interface ExpressionValue

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AddressExpressionValue, LongExpressionValue

public interface ExpressionValue extends ExpressionElement
Operand types use by the ExpressionEvaluator must implement this interface.
  • Method Details

    • applyUnaryOperator

      ExpressionValue applyUnaryOperator(ExpressionOperator operator) throws ExpressionException
      Method called to apply a unary operator to this value.
      operator - the operator being applied
      the new value after the operator is applied to this value
      ExpressionException - if the operator is not applicable for this value
    • applyBinaryOperator

      ExpressionValue applyBinaryOperator(ExpressionOperator operator, ExpressionValue value) throws ExpressionException
      Method called to apply a binary operator to this value.
      operator - the binary operator being applied.
      value - the other value to combine with this value by the operator
      the new value after the operator is applied to this value
      ExpressionException - if the operator is not applicable for this value or the the other value is not applicable for this operand and operator