Package generic.theme

Class GThemeDefaults.Colors.Palette

Enclosing class:

public static class GThemeDefaults.Colors.Palette extends Object
Generic palette colors, using color names, that may be changed along with the theme. These are not all defined palette colors, but some of the more commonly used colors.
  • Field Details

    • NO_COLOR

      public static final Color NO_COLOR
      Transparent color
    • BLACK

      public static final GColor BLACK
    • BLUE

      public static final GColor BLUE
    • CYAN

      public static final GColor CYAN

      public static final GColor DARK_GRAY
    • GOLD

      public static final GColor GOLD
    • GRAY

      public static final GColor GRAY
    • GREEN

      public static final GColor GREEN

      public static final GColor LAVENDER

      public static final GColor LIGHT_GRAY
    • LIME

      public static final GColor LIME

      public static final GColor MAGENTA
    • MAROON

      public static final GColor MAROON
    • ORANGE

      public static final GColor ORANGE
    • PINK

      public static final GColor PINK
    • PURPLE

      public static final GColor PURPLE
    • RED

      public static final GColor RED
    • SILVER

      public static final GColor SILVER
    • TEAL

      public static final GColor TEAL
    • WHITE

      public static final GColor WHITE
    • YELLOW

      public static final GColor YELLOW
  • Constructor Details

    • Palette

      public Palette()
  • Method Details

    • getColor

      public static GColor getColor(String name)
      Returns a new GColor for the given palette name.

      For a list of supported palette IDs, see

      It is preferred to use the static colors defined in GThemeDefaults.Colors.Palette when possible, as it prevents excess object creation. This method should be used when the desired palette color is not in that list. Further, this method should only be called once per use, such as when initializing a constant value.

      name - the palette entry name
      the GColor