Package generic.theme

Class IconModifier


public class IconModifier extends Object
Class that can transform one icon into another. Useful for scaling, translating, disabling, or overlaying an icon.
  • Constructor Details

    • IconModifier

      public IconModifier(Dimension size, Point translation, Integer rotation, boolean disabled, boolean mirror, boolean flip)
      Creates an IconModifier that can scale, translate, or disable an icon.
      size - if non-null, scales an icon to this size.
      translation - if non-null, translates an icon by this amount
      rotation - if non-null, the amount in degrees to rotate the icon
      disabled - if true, creates a disabled version of the icon
      mirror - if true, the image will have its x values swapped (left to right)
      flip - if true, the image will have its y values swapped (turned upside down)
  • Method Details

    • setSizeModifier

      public void setSizeModifier(Dimension size)
      Sets size modifier. Icons that are modified by this IconModifier will be scaled to this size.
      size - the size to scale modified icons.
    • setMoveModifier

      public void setMoveModifier(Point point)
      Sets the translation for this modifier. Icons that are modified by this IconModifier will be translated by the amount of the given point.
      point - the x,y amount to translate an image
    • setRotationModifer

      public void setRotationModifer(int degrees)
      Sets the rotation for this modifier. Icons that are modified by this IconModifier will be rotated by the given amount (in degrees)
      degrees - the rotation amount;
    • setDisabled

      public void setDisabled()
      Sets this modifier to disable an icon
    • setMirror

      public void setMirror()
      Sets the modifier to flip the icon side to side
    • setFlip

      public void setFlip()
      Sets the modifier to flip the icon side to side
    • modify

      public Icon modify(Icon icon, GThemeValueMap values)
      Modifies the given icon by the any of the modifiers set.
      icon - the icon to be modified
      values - the ThemeValueMap needed if the modify action is to overlay other icons. The values are used to resolve indirect overlay icon references
      A new Icon that is a modified version of the given icon
    • getSerializationString

      public String getSerializationString()
      Returns a string that can be parsed by the parse(String) method of this class
      a string that can be parsed by the parse(String) method of this class
    • parse

      public static IconModifier parse(String iconModifierString) throws ParseException
      Parses the given string as one or more icon modifiers
      iconModifierString - the string to parse as modifiers
      an IconModifier as specified by the given string
      ParseException - if the iconModifierString in not properly formatted icon modifier