Package generic.theme

Class JavaPropertyValue

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
BooleanPropertyValue, StringPropertyValue

public abstract class JavaPropertyValue extends ThemeValue<Object>
A base class that represents a Java UIManager property. This value is used to allow for overriding Java UI values using the theme properties files.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • isExternal

      public boolean isExternal()
      Description copied from class: ThemeValue
      True if this value is one that is one that is defined outside of the application, such as a Java Look and Feel key.
      Specified by:
      isExternal in class ThemeValue<Object>
      true if external
    • getSerializationString

      public String getSerializationString()
      Description copied from class: ThemeValue
      Returns the "key = value" String for writing this ThemeValue to a file
      Specified by:
      getSerializationString in class ThemeValue<Object>
      the "key = value" String for writing this ThemeValue to a file
    • toExternalId

      protected abstract String toExternalId(String internalId)
    • getSerializedValue

      protected abstract String getSerializedValue()
    • getReferredValue

      protected ThemeValue<Object> getReferredValue(GThemeValueMap values, String refId)
      Description copied from class: ThemeValue
      Returns the ThemeValue referred to by this ThemeValue. Needs to be overridden by concrete classes as they know the correct method to call on the preferredValues map.
      Specified by:
      getReferredValue in class ThemeValue<Object>
      values - the GThemeValueMap to be used to resolve the reference id
      refId - the id of the reference ThemeValue
      the ThemeValue referred to by this ThemeValue.
    • installValue

      public void installValue(ThemeManager themeManager)
      Description copied from class: ThemeValue
      Install this value as the current value for the application
      Specified by:
      installValue in class ThemeValue<Object>
      themeManager - the application ThemeManager