Package generic.theme

Class ThemeManager

Direct Known Subclasses:
ApplicationThemeManager, HeadlessThemeManager, StubThemeManager

public abstract class ThemeManager extends Object
This class manages application themes and their values. The ThemeManager is an abstract base class that has two concrete subclasses (and others for testing purposes) - StubThemeManager and ApplicationThememManager. The StubThemeManager exists as a placeholder until the ApplicationThemeManager is installed via ApplicationThemeManager.initialize().

The basic idea is that all the colors, fonts, and icons used in an application should be accessed indirectly via an "id" string. Then the actual color, font, or icon can be changed without changing the source code. The default mapping of the id strings to a value is defined in <name> files which are dynamically discovered by searching the module's data directory. Also, these files can optionally define a dark default value for an id which would replace the standard default value in the event that the current theme specifies that it is a dark theme. Themes are used to specify the application's LookAndFeel, whether or not it is dark, and any customized values for colors, fonts, or icons. There are several "built-in" themes, one for each supported LookAndFeel, but additional themes can be defined and stored in the users application home directory as a <name>.theme file.

Clients that just need to access the colors, fonts, and icons from the theme can use the convenience methods in the Gui class. Clients that need to directly manipulate the themes and values will need to directly use the ThemeManager which and be retrieved using the static getInstance() method.

  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • ThemeManager

      public ThemeManager()
  • Method Details

    • getInstance

      public static ThemeManager getInstance()
    • loadApplicationDefaults

      protected ApplicationThemeDefaults loadApplicationDefaults()
    • installInGui

      protected void installInGui()
    • buildCurrentValues

      protected void buildCurrentValues()
      This method is called to create the internal set of theme value used by the application. To do this, we use a layered approach to install values, with the last values added overwriting any pre-existing values with the same key. The values are added in the following order:
       java defaults -> light values -> dark values -> look and feel values -> property file values -> theme values

      At the point this method is called, this is the state of these various values:

      • The 'javaValues' are normalized in the form of 'laf.font.TextArea'
      • The 'applicationDefaults' contains values loaded from the files:
             [color]Viewport.background =
             [laf.font]TextArea.font = font.monospaced
             [laf.boolean]Button.rollover = true
      • The 'activeTheme' values are those loaded by the current theme, which has any changes made to the default values
    • restoreThemeValues

      public void restoreThemeValues()
      Restores all the current application back to the values as specified by the active theme. In other words, reverts any changes to the active theme that haven't been saved.
    • restoreColor

      public void restoreColor(String id)
      Restores the current color value for the given color id to the value established by the current theme.
      id - the color id to restore back to the original theme value
    • restoreFont

      public void restoreFont(String id)
      Restores the current font value for the given font id to the value established by the current theme.
      id - the font id to restore back to the original theme value
    • restoreIcon

      public void restoreIcon(String id)
      Restores the current icon value for the given icon id to the value established by the current theme.
      id - the icon id to restore back to the original theme value
    • isChangedColor

      public boolean isChangedColor(String id)
      Returns true if the color associated with the given id has been changed from the current theme value for that id.
      id - the color id to check if it has been changed
      true if the color associated with the given id has been changed from the current theme value for that id.
    • isChangedFont

      public boolean isChangedFont(String id)
      Returns true if the font associated with the given id has been changed from the current theme value for that id.
      id - the font id to check if it has been changed
      true if the font associated with the given id has been changed from the current theme value for that id.
    • isChangedIcon

      public boolean isChangedIcon(String id)
      Returns true if the Icon associated with the given id has been changed from the current theme value for that id.
      id - the Icon id to check if it has been changed
      true if the Icon associated with the given id has been changed from the current theme value for that id.
    • setTheme

      public void setTheme(GTheme theme)
      Sets the application's active theme to the given theme.
      theme - the theme to make active
    • setLookAndFeel

      public void setLookAndFeel(LafType lafType, boolean useDarkDefaults)
      Sets the current LookAndFeel. This is used by theme editors to allow users to see the effects of changing LookAndFeels when configuring a theme. Setting this different from the activeTheme's LookAndFeel setting means that the current theme is in an unsaved state and causes the hasThemeChanges() method to return true.
      lafType - the LafType to set the LookAndFeel to
      useDarkDefaults - true if the application should used dark defaults with this LookAndFeel
    • addTheme

      public void addTheme(GTheme newTheme)
      Adds the given theme to set of all themes.
      newTheme - the theme to add
    • deleteTheme

      public void deleteTheme(GTheme theme)
      Removes the theme from the set of all themes. Also, if the theme has an associated file, the file will be deleted.
      theme - the theme to delete
    • getAllThemes

      public Set<GTheme> getAllThemes()
      Returns a set of all known themes.
      a set of all known themes.
    • getSupportedThemes

      public List<GTheme> getSupportedThemes()
      Returns a set of all known themes that are supported on the current platform.
      a set of all known themes that are supported on the current platform.
    • getActiveTheme

      public GTheme getActiveTheme()
      Returns the active theme.
      the active theme.
    • getLookAndFeelType

      public LafType getLookAndFeelType()
      Returns the LafType for the currently active LookAndFeel
      the LafType for the currently active LookAndFeel
    • getTheme

      public GTheme getTheme(String themeName)
      Returns the known theme that has the given name.
      themeName - the name of the theme to retrieve
      the known theme that has the given name
    • getCurrentValues

      public GThemeValueMap getCurrentValues()
      Returns a GThemeValueMap of all current theme values including unsaved changes to the theme.
      a GThemeValueMap of all current theme values
    • getThemeValues

      public GThemeValueMap getThemeValues()
      Returns the theme values as defined by the current theme, ignoring any unsaved changes that are currently applied to the application.
      the theme values as defined by the current theme, ignoring any unsaved changes that are currently applied to the application
    • getNonDefaultValues

      public GThemeValueMap getNonDefaultValues()
      Returns a GThemeValueMap contains all values that differ from the default values (values defined by the LookAndFeel or in the files.
      a GThemeValueMap contains all values that differ from the defaults.
    • getColor

      public Color getColor(String id)
      Returns the Color registered for the given id. Will output an error message if the id can't be resolved.
      id - the id to get the direct color for
      the Color registered for the given id.
    • getFont

      public Font getFont(String id)
      Returns the current Font associated with the given id. A default font will be returned if the font can't be resolved and an error message will be printed to the console.
      id - the id for the desired font
      the current Font associated with the given id.
    • getIcon

      public Icon getIcon(String id)
      Returns the Icon registered for the given id. If no icon is registered for the id, the default icon will be returned and an error message will be dumped to the console
      id - the id to get the registered icon for
      the actual icon registered for the given id
    • setFont

      public void setFont(String id, Font font)
      Updates the current font for the given id.
      id - the font id to update to the new color
      font - the new font for the id
    • setFont

      public void setFont(FontValue newValue)
      Updates the current value for the font id in the newValue
      newValue - the new FontValue to install in the current values.
    • setColor

      public void setColor(String id, Color color)
      Updates the current color for the given id.
      id - the color id to update to the new color
      color - the new color for the id
    • setColor

      public void setColor(ColorValue newValue)
      Updates the current value for the color id in the newValue
      newValue - the new ColorValue to install in the current values.
    • setIcon

      public void setIcon(String id, Icon icon)
      Updates the current Icon for the given id.
      id - the icon id to update to the new icon
      icon - the new Icon for the id
    • setIcon

      public void setIcon(IconValue newValue)
      Updates the current value for the Icon id in the newValue
      newValue - the new IconValue to install in the current values.
    • getJavaDefaults

      public GThemeValueMap getJavaDefaults()
      Returns the GThemeValueMap containing all the default theme values defined by the current LookAndFeel.
      the GThemeValueMap containing all the default theme values defined by the current LookAndFeel
    • getApplicationDarkDefaults

      public GThemeValueMap getApplicationDarkDefaults()
      Returns the GThemeValueMap containing all the dark default values defined in files. Note that dark defaults includes light defaults that haven't been overridden by a dark default with the same id.
      the GThemeValueMap containing all the dark values defined in files
    • getApplicationLightDefaults

      public GThemeValueMap getApplicationLightDefaults()
      Returns the GThemeValueMap containing all the standard default values defined in files.
      the GThemeValueMap containing all the standard values defined in files
    • getDefaults

      public GThemeValueMap getDefaults()
      Returns a GThemeValueMap containing all default values for the current theme. It is a combination of application defined defaults and java LookAndFeel defaults.
      the current set of defaults.
    • isUsingAquaUI

      @Deprecated(since="11.3", forRemoval=true) public boolean isUsingAquaUI(ComponentUI UI)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Returns true if the given UI object is using the Aqua Look and Feel.
      UI - the UI to examine. (This parameter is ignored)
      true if the UI is using Aqua
    • isUsingAquaUI

      public boolean isUsingAquaUI()
      Returns true if the current UI is using the Aqua Look and Feel.
      true if the UI is using Aqua
    • isUsingFlatUI

      public boolean isUsingFlatUI()
      Returns true if the current UI is the FlatLaf Dark or FlatLaf Light Look and Feel.
      true if the current UI is the FlatLaf Dark or FlatLaf Light Look and Feel
    • isUsingNimbusUI

      public boolean isUsingNimbusUI()
      Returns true if 'Nimbus' is the current Look and Feel
      true if 'Nimbus' is the current Look and Feel
    • addThemeListener

      public void addThemeListener(ThemeListener listener)
      Adds a ThemeListener to be notified of theme changes.
      listener - the listener to be notified
    • removeThemeListener

      public void removeThemeListener(ThemeListener listener)
      Removes the given ThemeListener from the list of listeners to be notified of theme changes.
      listener - the listener to be removed
    • hasThemeChanges

      public boolean hasThemeChanges()
      Returns true if there are any unsaved changes to the current theme.
      true if there are any unsaved changes to the current theme.
    • hasThemeValueChanges

      public boolean hasThemeValueChanges()
      Returns true if any theme values have changed. This does not take into account the current Look and Feel. Use hasThemeChanges() to also account for changes to the Look and Feel.
      true if any theme values have changed
    • hasColor

      public boolean hasColor(String id)
      Returns true if an color for the given Id has been defined
      id - the id to check for an existing color.
      true if an color for the given Id has been defined
    • hasFont

      public boolean hasFont(String id)
      Returns true if an font for the given Id has been defined
      id - the id to check for an existing font.
      true if an font for the given Id has been defined
    • hasIcon

      public boolean hasIcon(String id)
      Returns true if an icon for the given Id has been defined
      id - the id to check for an existing icon.
      true if an icon for the given Id has been defined
    • registerFont

      public void registerFont(Component component, String fontId)
      Binds the component to the font identified by the given font id. Whenever the font for the font id changes, the component will updated with the new font.
      component - the component to set/update the font
      fontId - the id of the font to register with the given component
    • registerFont

      public void registerFont(Component component, String fontId, int fontStyle)
      Binds the component to the font identified by the given font id. Whenever the font for the font id changes, the component will updated with the new font.

      This method is fairly niche and should not be called by most clients. Instead, call registerFont(Component, String).

      component - the component to set/update the font
      fontId - the id of the font to register with the given component
      fontStyle - the font style
    • unRegisterFont

      public void unRegisterFont(JComponent component, String fontId)
      Removes the component and font id binding made in a previous call to registerFont(Component, String).
      component - the component to remove
      fontId - the id of the font previously registered
    • isDarkTheme

      public boolean isDarkTheme()
      Returns true if the current theme use dark default values.
      true if the current theme use dark default values.
    • getDefaultTheme

      public static GTheme getDefaultTheme()
      Returns the default theme for the current platform.
      the default theme for the current platform.
    • isUpdatingTheme

      public boolean isUpdatingTheme()
      Returns true if the theme system is in the process of updating
      true if the theme system is in the process of updating
    • update

      protected void update(Callback callback)
    • notifyThemeChanged

      protected void notifyThemeChanged(ThemeEvent event)
    • error

      protected void error(String message)
    • adjustFonts

      public void adjustFonts(int amount)
      Adjust the size of all fonts by the given amount.
      amount - the number to add to the current font size;
    • setBlinkingCursors

      protected void setBlinkingCursors(boolean b)
      Sets application's blinking cursor state. This will affect all JTextFields, JTextAreas, JTextPanes via UIDefaults. Custom components can also respect this setting by either adding a ThemeListener or overriding JComponent.updateUI()

      NOTE: This method is a bit odd here as it doesn't really apply to a theme. But it requires manipulation of the look and feel which is managed by the theme. If other application level properties come along and also require changing the UIDefaults, perhaps a more general solution might be to add a way for clients to register a callback so that they get a chance to change the UIDefaults map as the look and feel is loaded.

      b - true for blinking text cursors, false for non-blinking text cursors
    • isBlinkingCursors

      protected boolean isBlinkingCursors()
      Returns true if the application should allow blinking cursors, false otherwise. Custom components can use this method to determine if they should have a blinking cursor or not.
      true if the application should allow blinking cursors, false otherwise.