Class CreateDataInStructureBackgroundCmd

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class CreateDataInStructureBackgroundCmd extends BackgroundCommand<Program>
Background command to create data across a selection inside of a structure.
  • Constructor Details

    • CreateDataInStructureBackgroundCmd

      public CreateDataInStructureBackgroundCmd(Address addr, int[] startPath, int length, DataType dt)
      Constructs a command for applying dataTypes within an existing structure across a range of components. Simple pointer conversion will NOT be performed.
      addr - The address of the existing structure.
      startPath - the componentPath where to begin applying the datatype.
      length - the number of bytes to apply the data type to.
      dt - the datatype to be applied to the range of components.
    • CreateDataInStructureBackgroundCmd

      public CreateDataInStructureBackgroundCmd(Address addr, int[] startPath, int length, DataType dt, boolean stackPointers)
      This is the same as CreateDataInStructureBackgroundCmd(Address, int[], int, DataType) except that it allows the caller to control whether or not a pointer data type is created when a non-pointer data type is applied at a location that previously contained a pointer data type.
      addr - The address of the existing structure.
      startPath - the componentPath where to begin applying the datatype.
      length - the number of bytes to apply the data type to.
      dt - the datatype to be applied to the range of components.
      stackPointers - True will convert the given data type to a pointer if it is not one and the previous type was a pointer; false will not make this conversion
  • Method Details