Class BackgroundCommand<T extends DomainObject>

Type Parameters:
T - DomainObject implementation interface
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractModularizationCmd, AddMemRefsCmd, ApplyFunctionDataTypesCmd, ApplyFunctionSignatureCmd, CaptureFunctionDataTypesCmd, CompoundBackgroundCommand, CreateDataBackgroundCmd, CreateDataInStructureBackgroundCmd, CreateFunctionCmd, CreateMultipleFunctionsCmd, CreateThunkFunctionCmd, DecompilerParallelConventionAnalysisCmd, DecompilerParameterIdCmd, DecompilerSwitchAnalysisCmd, DeleteBlockCmd, DeleteFunctionTagCmd, DemanglerCmd, DisassembleCommand, FillOutStructureCmd, FunctionPurgeAnalysisCmd, FunctionResultStateStackAnalysisCmd, FunctionStackAnalysisCmd, MergeableBackgroundCommand, ModuleAlgorithmCmd, NewFunctionStackAnalysisCmd, ReDisassembleCommand, SetFlowOverrideCmd, SharedReturnAnalysisCmd, SubroutineModelCmd

public abstract class BackgroundCommand<T extends DomainObject> extends Object implements Command<T>
Abstract command that will be run in a thread (in the background) other than the AWT(GUI) thread. Use this to apply a long running command that is cancellable.

The monitor allows the command to display status information as it executes.

This allows commands to make changes in the background so that the GUI is not frozen and the user can still interact with the GUI.

  • Constructor Details

    • BackgroundCommand

      public BackgroundCommand()
    • BackgroundCommand

      public BackgroundCommand(String name, boolean hasProgress, boolean canCancel, boolean isModal)
  • Method Details

    • applyTo

      public final boolean applyTo(T obj)
      Description copied from interface: Command
      Applies the command to the given domain object.
      Specified by:
      applyTo in interface Command<T extends DomainObject>
      obj - domain object that this command is to be applied.
      true if the command applied successfully
    • applyTo

      public abstract boolean applyTo(T obj, TaskMonitor monitor)
      Method called when this command is to apply changes to the given domain object. A monitor is provided to display status information about the command as it executes in the background.
      obj - domain object that will be affected by the command
      monitor - monitor to show progress of the command
      true if the command applied successfully
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Description copied from interface: Command
      Returns the name of this command.
      Specified by:
      getName in interface Command<T extends DomainObject>
      the name of this command
    • hasProgress

      public boolean hasProgress()
      Check if the command provides progress information.
      true if the command shows progress information
    • canCancel

      public boolean canCancel()
      Check if the command can be canceled.
      true if this command can be canceled
    • isModal

      public boolean isModal()
      Check if the command requires the monitor to be modal. No other command should be allowed, and the GUI will be locked.
      true if no other operation should be going on while this command is in progress.
    • dispose

      public void dispose()
      Called when this command is going to be removed/canceled without running it. This gives the command the opportunity to free any temporary resources it has hold of.
    • taskCompleted

      public void taskCompleted()
      Called when the task monitor is completely done with indicating progress.
    • getStatusMsg

      public String getStatusMsg()
      Description copied from interface: Command
      Returns the status message indicating the status of the command.
      Specified by:
      getStatusMsg in interface Command<T extends DomainObject>
      reason for failure, or null if the status of the command was successful
    • setStatusMsg

      protected void setStatusMsg(String statusMsg)
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • run

      public void run(PluginTool tool, T obj)