Class AddMemRefsCmd

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class AddMemRefsCmd extends BackgroundCommand<Program>
AddMemRefsCmd adds a set of memory references from a specified address and opIndex to all code units identified by a set of addresses.
  • Constructor Details

    • AddMemRefsCmd

      public AddMemRefsCmd(Address fromAddr, AddressSetView toSet, RefType refType, SourceType source, int opIndex)
      Add memory references.
      fromAddr - reference source
      toSet - set of addresses which make up reference destinations. Only those addresses on code where a code unit exists will be considered.
      refType - reference type to be applied.
      source - the source of the reference
      opIndex - source operand index
  • Method Details

    • applyTo

      public boolean applyTo(Program program, TaskMonitor monitor)
      Description copied from class: BackgroundCommand
      Method called when this command is to apply changes to the given domain object. A monitor is provided to display status information about the command as it executes in the background.
      Specified by:
      applyTo in class BackgroundCommand<Program>
      program - domain object that will be affected by the command
      monitor - monitor to show progress of the command
      true if the command applied successfully