Interface AddressSetView

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
CodeBlock, Memory, ProgramFragment
All Known Implementing Classes:
AddressSet, AddressSetViewAdapter, CodeBlockImpl, ExtCodeBlockImpl, MemoryMapDB, NormalizedAddressSet, ProgramSelection, StubMemory

public interface AddressSetView extends Iterable<AddressRange>
Defines a read-only interface for an address set.
  • Method Details

    • contains

      boolean contains(Address addr)
      Test if the address is contained within this set.

      addr - address to test.
      true if addr exists in the set, false otherwise.
    • contains

      boolean contains(Address start, Address end)
      Test if the given address range is contained in this set. The specified start and end addresses must form a valid range within a single AddressSpace.

      start - the first address in the range.
      end - the last address in the range.
      true if entire range is contained within the set, false otherwise.
    • contains

      boolean contains(AddressSetView rangeSet)
      Test if the given address set is a subset of this set.

      rangeSet - the set to test.
      true if the entire set is contained within this set, false otherwise.
    • isEmpty

      boolean isEmpty()
      true if this set is empty.
    • getMinAddress

      Address getMinAddress()
      Get the minimum address for this address set. NOTE: An AddressRange should generally not be formed using this address and getMaxAddress() since it may span multiple AddressSpaces.
      the minimum address for this set. Returns null if the set is empty.
    • getMaxAddress

      Address getMaxAddress()
      Get the maximum address for this address set. NOTE: An AddressRange should generally not be formed using this address and getMaxAddress() since it may span multiple AddressSpaces.
      the maximum address for this set. Returns null if the set is empty.
    • getNumAddressRanges

      int getNumAddressRanges()
      the number of address ranges in this set.
    • getAddressRanges

      AddressRangeIterator getAddressRanges()
      an iterator over the address ranges in this address set.
    • getAddressRanges

      AddressRangeIterator getAddressRanges(boolean forward)
      Returns an iterator over the ranges in the specified order
      forward - the ranges are returned from lowest to highest, otherwise from highest to lowest
      an iterator over all the addresse ranges in the set.
    • getAddressRanges

      AddressRangeIterator getAddressRanges(Address start, boolean forward)
      Returns an iterator of address ranges starting with the range that contains the given address. If there is no range containing the start address, then the first range will be the next range greater than the start address if going forward, otherwise the range less than the start address
      start - the address the first range should contain.
      forward - true iterators forward, false backwards
      the AddressRange iterator
    • iterator

      Iterator<AddressRange> iterator()
      Returns an iterator over the address ranges in this address set.
      Specified by:
      iterator in interface Iterable<AddressRange>
    • iterator

      Iterator<AddressRange> iterator(boolean forward)
      Returns an iterator over the ranges in the specified order
      forward - the ranges are returned from lowest to highest, otherwise from highest to lowest
      an iterator over all the addresse ranges in the set.
    • iterator

      Iterator<AddressRange> iterator(Address start, boolean forward)
      Returns an iterator of address ranges starting with the range that contains the given address. If there is no range containing the start address, then the first range will be the next range greater than the start address if going forward, otherwise the range less than the start address
      start - the address that the first range should contain.
      forward - true iterators forward, false backwards
      the AddressRange iterator
    • getNumAddresses

      long getNumAddresses()
      the number of addresses in this set.
    • getAddresses

      AddressIterator getAddresses(boolean forward)
      Returns an iterator over all addresses in this set.
      forward - if true the address are return in increasing order, otherwise in decreasing order.
      an iterator over all addresses in this set.
    • getAddresses

      AddressIterator getAddresses(Address start, boolean forward)
      Returns an iterator over the addresses in this address set starting at the start address
      start - address to start iterating at in the address set
      forward - if true address are return from lowest to highest, else from highest to lowest
      an iterator over the addresses in this address set starting at the start address
    • intersects

      boolean intersects(AddressSetView addrSet)
      Determine if this address set intersects with the specified address set.
      addrSet - address set to check intersection with.
      true if this set intersects the specified addrSet else false
    • intersects

      boolean intersects(Address start, Address end)
      Determine if the start and end range intersects with the specified address set. The specified start and end addresses must form a valid range within a single AddressSpace.
      start - start of range
      end - end of range
      true if the given range intersects this address set.
    • intersect

      AddressSet intersect(AddressSetView view)
      Computes the intersection of this address set with the given address set. This method does not modify this address set.
      view - the address set to intersect with.
      AddressSet a new address set that contains all addresses that are contained in both this set and the given set.
    • intersectRange

      AddressSet intersectRange(Address start, Address end)
      Computes the intersection of this address set with the given address range. This method does not modify this address set. The specified start and end addresses must form a valid range within a single AddressSpace.
      start - start of range
      end - end of range
      AddressSet a new address set that contains all addresses that are contained in both this set and the given range.
    • union

      AddressSet union(AddressSetView addrSet)
      Computes the union of this address set with the given address set. This method does not change this address set.
      addrSet - The address set to be unioned with this address set.
      AddressSet A new address set which contains all the addresses from both this set and the given set.
    • subtract

      AddressSet subtract(AddressSetView addrSet)
      Computes the difference of this address set with the given address set (this - set). Note that this is not the same as (set - this). This method does not change this address set.
      addrSet - the set to subtract from this set.
      AddressSet a new address set which contains all the addresses that are in this set, but not in the given set.
    • xor

      AddressSet xor(AddressSetView addrSet)
      Computes the exclusive-or of this address set with the given set. This method does not modify this address set.
      addrSet - address set to exclusive-or with.
      AddressSet a new address set containing all addresses that are in either this set or the given set, but not in both sets
    • hasSameAddresses

      boolean hasSameAddresses(AddressSetView view)
      Returns true if the given address set contains the same set of addresses as this set.
      view - the address set to compare.
      true if the given set contains the same addresses as this set.
    • getFirstRange

      AddressRange getFirstRange()
      Returns the first range in this set or null if the set is empty;
      the first range in this set or null if the set is empty;
    • getLastRange

      AddressRange getLastRange()
      Returns the last range in this set or null if the set is empty;
      the last range in this set or null if the set is empty;
    • getRangeContaining

      AddressRange getRangeContaining(Address address)
      Returns the range that contains the given address
      address - the address for which to find a range.
      the range that contains the given address.
    • findFirstAddressInCommon

      Address findFirstAddressInCommon(AddressSetView set)
      Finds the first address in this collection that is also in the given addressSet.
      set - the addressSet to search for the first (lowest) common address.
      the first address that is contained in this set and the given set.
    • getAddressCountBefore

      default long getAddressCountBefore(Address address)
      Returns the number of address in this address set before the given address.
      address - the address after the last address to be counted
      the number of address in this address set before the given address
    • trimStart

      static AddressSetView trimStart(AddressSetView set, Address addr)
      Trim address set removing all addresses less-than-or-equal to specified address based upon Address comparison. The address set may contain address ranges from multiple address spaces.
      set - address set to be trimmed
      addr - trim point. Only addresses greater than this address will be returned.
      trimmed address set view
    • trimEnd

      static AddressSetView trimEnd(AddressSetView set, Address addr)
      Trim address set removing all addresses greater-than-or-equal to specified address based upon Address comparison. The address set may contain address ranges from multiple address spaces.
      set - address set to be trimmed
      addr - trim point. Only addresses less than this address will be returned.
      trimmed address set view