Interface AddressSpace

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
GenericAddressSpace, OverlayAddressSpace, ProgramOverlayAddressSpace, ProtectedAddressSpace, SegmentedAddressSpace

public interface AddressSpace extends Comparable<AddressSpace>
The AddressSpace class is used to represent a unique context for addresses. Programs can have multiple address spaces and address 0 in one space is not the same as address 0 in another space.
  • Field Details


      static final int TYPE_CONSTANT
      See Also:
    • TYPE_RAM

      static final int TYPE_RAM
      See Also:

      static final int TYPE_CODE
      See Also:

      static final int TYPE_UNIQUE
      See Also:

      static final int TYPE_REGISTER
      See Also:

      static final int TYPE_STACK
      See Also:

      static final int TYPE_JOIN
      See Also:

      static final int TYPE_OTHER
      See Also:

      static final int TYPE_SYMBOL
      See Also:

      static final int TYPE_EXTERNAL
      See Also:

      static final int TYPE_VARIABLE
      See Also:

      static final int TYPE_DELETED
      See Also:

      static final int TYPE_UNKNOWN
      See Also:

      static final int TYPE_NONE
      See Also:

      static final int TYPE_IPTR_CONSTANT
      See Also:

      static final int TYPE_IPTR_INTERNAL
      See Also:

      static final int TYPE_IPTR_SPACEBASE
      See Also:

      static final int ID_SIZE_MASK
      See Also:

      static final int ID_SIZE_SHIFT
      See Also:

      static final int ID_TYPE_MASK
      See Also:

      static final int ID_UNIQUE_SHIFT
      See Also:

      static final AddressSpace OTHER_SPACE
      The OTHER_SPACE is used to store data from the original program file that doesn't get loaded into the final memory image and for user-defined spaces.

      static final AddressSpace EXTERNAL_SPACE
      The EXTERNAL_SPACE is used to contain all external locations (i.e., data and functions) defined within a given library namespace. All external locations within a program are given a unique offset within the EXTERNAL space.

      static final AddressSpace VARIABLE_SPACE
      The VARIABLE_SPACE is used to contain all variables and parameters defined within a given namespace (i.e., function). All variables within a program are given a unique offset within the VARIABLE space.

      static final AddressSpace HASH_SPACE
      The HASH_SPACE provides a 60-bit space for encoding of unique hashcodes.

      static final AddressSpace DEFAULT_REGISTER_SPACE
      A language may only define a single REGISTER space. If one is not defined, this DEFAULT_REGISTER_SPACE definition will be used.
  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      Returns the name of this address space. With the exception of OverlayAddressSpace, the name of an address space may not change.
    • getSpaceID

      int getSpaceID()
      Get the ID for this space
      space ID
    • getSize

      int getSize()
      Returns the number of bits that are used to form the address. Thus the maximum offset for this address space will be 2^size-1.
    • getAddressableUnitSize

      int getAddressableUnitSize()
      Returns the number of data bytes which correspond to each addressable location within this space (i.e., word-size in bytes). NOTE: When transforming a byte-offset to an addressable word offset the method getAddressableWordOffset(long) should be used instead of simple division. When transforming an addressable word-offset to a byte-offset simple multiplication may be used. Neither of these transformations perform address space bounds checking.
         byteOffset = wordOffset * addressUnitSize
         wordOffset = getAddressableWordOffset(byteOffset)
    • getAddressableWordOffset

      long getAddressableWordOffset(long byteOffset)
      Get the addressable memory word offset which corresponds to the specified memory byte offset. This method handles some of the issues of unsigned math when stuck using Java's signed long primitives. No space bounds checking is performed.
      byteOffset - memory byte offset
      addressable memory word offset
    • getPointerSize

      int getPointerSize()
      Returns the absolute size of a pointer into this space (in bytes).
      See Also:
    • getType

      int getType()
      Returns the type of this address space
    • getUnique

      int getUnique()
      Returns the unique index for this address space
    • getAddress

      Address getAddress(String addrString) throws AddressFormatException
      Parses the String into an address within this address space.
      addrString - the string to parse as an address.
      an address if the string parsed successfully or null if the AddressSpace specified in the addrString is not this space.
      AddressFormatException - if the string cannot be parsed or the parsed offset is larger than the size for this space.
    • getAddress

      Address getAddress(String addrString, boolean caseSensitive) throws AddressFormatException
      Parses the String into an address within this address space.
      addrString - the string to parse as an address.
      caseSensitive - specifies if addressSpace names must match case.
      an address if the string parsed successfully or null if the AddressSpace specified in the addrString is not this space.
      AddressFormatException - if the string cannot be parsed or the parsed offset is larger than the size for this space.
    • getAddress

      Address getAddress(long byteOffset) throws AddressOutOfBoundsException
      Returns a new address in this space with the given byte offset. NOTE: This method is the same as invoking getAddress(long byteOffset, false).
      byteOffset - the byte offset for the new address.
      address with given byte offset
      AddressOutOfBoundsException - if the offset is less than 0 or greater than the max offset allowed for this space.
    • getAddress

      Address getAddress(long offset, boolean isAddressableWordOffset) throws AddressOutOfBoundsException
      Returns a new address in this space with the given offset. NOTE: for those spaces with an addressable unit size other than 1, the address returned may not correspond to an addressable unit/word boundary if a byte-offset is specified.
      offset - the offset for the new address.
      isAddressableWordOffset - if true the specified offset is an addressable unit/word offset, otherwise offset is a byte offset. See getAddressableUnitSize() to understand the distinction (i.e., wordOffset = byteOffset * addressableUnitSize).
      address with given offset
      AddressOutOfBoundsException - if the offset is less than 0 or greater than the max offset allowed for this space.
    • getTruncatedAddress

      Address getTruncatedAddress(long offset, boolean isAddressableWordOffset)
      Returns a new address in this space with the given offset. The specified offset will be truncated within the space and will not throw an exception. NOTE: for those spaces with an addressable unit size other than 1, the address returned may not correspond to a word boundary (addressable unit) if a byte-offset is specified.
      offset - the offset for the new address.
      isAddressableWordOffset - if true the specified offset is an addressable unit/word offset, otherwise offset is a byte offset. See getAddressableUnitSize() to understand the distinction (i.e., wordOffset = byteOffset * addressableUnitSize).
      address with given byte offset truncated to the physical space size
    • getAddressInThisSpaceOnly

      Address getAddressInThisSpaceOnly(long byteOffset) throws AddressOutOfBoundsException
      Get a byte address from this address space. Don't allow overlay spaces to remap the address into a base space when the address is not contained in the bounds of the overlay region.
      byteOffset - the byte offset for the new address.
      an address if the offset is valid.
      AddressOutOfBoundsException - if the offset is less than 0 or greater than the max offset allowed for this space.
    • truncateOffset

      long truncateOffset(long byteOffset)
      Truncate the specified byte offset within this space to produce a valid offset.
      byteOffset - any byte offset
      truncated byte offset
    • truncateAddressableWordOffset

      long truncateAddressableWordOffset(long wordOffset)
      Truncate the specified addressable unit/word offset within this space to produce a valid offset.
      wordOffset - any addressable unit/word offset
      truncated word offset
    • getOverlayAddress

      Address getOverlayAddress(Address addr)
      Get an address that is relative to this address space. If this is an overlay space and the address falls within this space, return an address based in this space.
      addr - address possibly falling within this overlay space.
      an address relative to this overlay
    • subtract

      long subtract(Address addr1, Address addr2)
      Calculates the displacement between addr1 and addr2 (addr1 - addr2)
      addr1 - the address to subtract from.
      addr2 - the address to subtract.
      the difference. (addr1.offset - addr2.offset).
      IllegalArgumentException - if the two addresses are not in the same address space.
    • subtractWrap

      Address subtractWrap(Address addr, long displacement)
      Creates a new address by subtracting displacement from addr's offset.
      addr - the original address. The new address will wrap in a manner that depends on the address space. For a generic address space this will wrap at the extents of the address space. For a segmented address space it will wrap at the extents of the segment.
      displacement - the displacement to subtract.
      a new address created by subtracting the displacement from addr.offset.
    • subtractWrapSpace

      Address subtractWrapSpace(Address addr, long displacement)
      Creates a new address by subtracting the displacement from the given address. If the offset is greater than the max offset of the address space, the high order bits are masked off, making the address wrap. For non-segmented addresses this will be the same as subtractWrap(). For segmented addresses, the address will wrap when the 20 bit (oxfffff) offset is exceeded, as opposed to when the segment offset is exceeded.
      addr - the address to subtract the displacement from.
      displacement - the displacement to subtract.
      The new Address formed by subtracting the displacement from the specified address.
    • subtractNoWrap

      Address subtractNoWrap(Address addr, long displacement) throws AddressOverflowException
      Creates a new address by subtracting displacement from addr's offset. The new offset will NOT wrap!
      addr - the original address
      displacement - the displacement to subtract.
      The new address created by subtracting displacement from addr.offset.
      AddressOverflowException - if the subtraction would cause a wrap,
    • subtract

      Address subtract(Address addr, long displacement)
      Creates a new address (possibly in a new space) by subtracting the given displacement from the given address.
      addr - original address being subtracted from
      displacement - amount to subtract
      the new address
      AddressOutOfBoundsException - if the result does not correspond to any address.
    • addWrap

      Address addWrap(Address addr, long displacement)
      Creates a new address by adding displacement to the given address. The resulting address may wrap. The new address will wrap in a manner that depends on the address space. For a generic address space this will wrap at the extents of the address space. For a segmented address space it will wrap at the extents of the segment.
      addr - the original address.
      displacement - the displacement to add.
      the new address created by adding displacement to addr.offset.
    • addWrapSpace

      Address addWrapSpace(Address addr, long displacement)
      Creates a new address by adding the displacement to the given address. If the offset is greater than the max offset of the address space, the high order bits are masked off, making the address wrap. For non-segmented addresses this will be the same as addWrap(). For segmented addresses, the address will wrap when the 20 bit (oxfffff) offset is exceeded, as opposed to when the segment offset is exceeded.
      addr - the address to add the displacement to.
      displacement - the displacement to add.
      The new Address formed by adding the displacement to the specified addresst.
    • addNoWrap

      Address addNoWrap(Address addr, long displacement) throws AddressOverflowException
      Creates a new address by adding displacement to the given address. The new address will NOT wrap!
      addr - the original address.
      displacement - the displacement to add.
      The new address created by adding displacement to addr.offset.
      AddressOverflowException - if the addition would cause a wrap,
    • addNoWrap

      Address addNoWrap(GenericAddress addr, BigInteger displacement) throws AddressOverflowException
      Creates a new address by adding displacement to the given address. The new address will NOT wrap!
      addr - the original address.
      displacement - the displacement to add.
      The new address created by adding displacement to addr.offset.
      AddressOverflowException - if the addition would cause a wrap,
    • add

      Address add(Address addr, long displacement) throws AddressOutOfBoundsException
      Creates a new address (possibly in a new space) by adding the given displacement from the given address.
      addr - original address being subtracted from
      displacement - amount to subtract
      the new address
      AddressOutOfBoundsException - if the result does not correspond to any address.
    • isValidRange

      boolean isValidRange(long byteOffset, long length)
      Check the specified address range for validity within this space. Segmented spaces will restrict a range to a single segment.
      byteOffset -
      length -
      true if range is valid for this space
    • isSuccessor

      boolean isSuccessor(Address addr1, Address addr2)
      Tests whether addr2 immediately follows addr1.
      addr1 - the first address.
      addr2 - the second address.
    • getMaxAddress

      Address getMaxAddress()
      Get the maximum address allowed for this AddressSpace. NOTE: Use of this method to identify the region associated with an overlay memory block within its overlay address space is no longer supported. Defined regions of an overlay space may now be determined using OverlayAddressSpace.getOverlayAddressSet().
      maximum address of this address space.
    • getMinAddress

      Address getMinAddress()
      Get the minimum address allowed for this AddressSpace. For a memory space the returned address will have an offset of 0 within this address space. NOTE: Use of this method to identify the region associated with an overlay memory block within its overlay address space is no longer supported. Defined regions of an overlay space may now be determined using OverlayAddressSpace.getOverlayAddressSet().
      minimum address of this address space.
    • getPhysicalSpace

      AddressSpace getPhysicalSpace()
      Returns the physical space associated with an address space. There is always exactly one physical space associated with an address space (it may be its own physical space).
      the associated physical space.
    • makeValidOffset

      long makeValidOffset(long offset) throws AddressOutOfBoundsException
      Tests if the offset if valid. If the space is signed, then it sign extends the offset.
      offset - the offset to test and/or sign extend
      the valid positive offset or appropriate sign extended offset.
      AddressOutOfBoundsException - if offset is invalid
    • isMemorySpace

      boolean isMemorySpace()
      Returns true if this space represents a memory address. NOTE: It is important to make the distinction between Loaded and Non-Loaded memory addresses. Program importers may create memory blocks associated with Non-Loaded file content which are not associated with processor defined memory regions. While Loaded file content is placed into memory blocks which are associated with specific memory address spaces defined by the processor language specification.
      See Also:
    • isLoadedMemorySpace

      boolean isLoadedMemorySpace()
      Returns true if this space represents represents a Loaded Memory region (e.g., processor RAM).
    • isNonLoadedMemorySpace

      boolean isNonLoadedMemorySpace()
      Returns true if this space represents represents a Non-Loaded storage region for retaining non-loaded file data (e.g., OTHER)
    • isRegisterSpace

      boolean isRegisterSpace()
      Returns true if this space represents a register location
    • isVariableSpace

      boolean isVariableSpace()
      Returns true if this space represents a variable location
    • isStackSpace

      boolean isStackSpace()
      Returns true if this space represents a stack location
    • isHashSpace

      boolean isHashSpace()
      Returns true if this space represents a location in the HASH space.
    • isExternalSpace

      boolean isExternalSpace()
      Returns true if this space in the EXTERNAL_SPACE
    • isUniqueSpace

      boolean isUniqueSpace()
      Returns true if this space in the unique space
    • isConstantSpace

      boolean isConstantSpace()
      Returns true if this space in the constant space
    • hasMappedRegisters

      boolean hasMappedRegisters()
      Returns true if this space has registers that are mapped into it. This means that registers could actually have pointers to them.
      true if this space has any registers mapped in it.
    • showSpaceName

      boolean showSpaceName()
      Returns true if the address should display its addressSpace name.
    • isOverlaySpace

      boolean isOverlaySpace()
      Returns true if this addressSpace is an OverlayAddressSpace
    • hasSignedOffset

      boolean hasSignedOffset()
      Returns true if space uses signed offset
    • isValidName

      static boolean isValidName(String name)
      Determine if the specific name is a valid address space name (e.g., allowed overlay space name). NOTE: This does not perform any duplicate name checks.
      name - name
      true if name is a valid space name.