Class GenericAddress

All Implemented Interfaces:
Address, Comparable<Address>
Direct Known Subclasses:
OldGenericNamespaceAddress, SegmentedAddress, SpecialAddress

public class GenericAddress extends Object implements Address
Generic implementation of the Address interface. Consists of an Address Space, an offset, and a namespace id.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    protected AddressSpace
    protected long
    protected static final String

    Fields inherited from interface ghidra.program.model.address.Address

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    add(long displacement)
    Creates a new address (possibly in a new space) by adding the displacement to this address.
    addNoWrap(long displacement)
    Creates a new Address with a displacement relative to this Address.
    addNoWrap(BigInteger displacement)
    addWrap(long displacement)
    Creates a new address by adding the displacement to the current address.
    addWrapSpace(long displacement)
    Creates a new address by adding the displacement to the current address.
    Compares this Address to the specified object.
    getAddress(String addrString)
    Creates a new Address by parsing a String representation of an address.
    Get the addressable memory word offset which corresponds to this address.
    Returns the address space associated with this address.
    getNewAddress(long byteOffset)
    Creates a new Address in this address's space with the given byte offset.
    getNewAddress(long addrOffset, boolean isAddressableWordOffset)
    Returns a new address in this address's space with the given offset.
    getNewTruncatedAddress(long addrOffset, boolean isAddressableWordOffset)
    Returns a new address in this address's space with the given offset.
    Get the offset of this Address.
    Get the offset of this Address as a BigInteger.
    Returns the physical Address that corresponds to this Address.
    Returns the number of bytes needed to form a pointer to this address.
    Returns the number of bits that are used to form the address.
    Get the address offset as an unsigned number.
    Returns a hash code for this Address.
    Return true if this address' address space is equal to the address space for addr.
    Returns true if this address represents a location in constant space.
    Returns true if this address represents an external location in the external address space.
    Returns true if this address represents a location in the HASH space.
    Returns true if this address represents an address in a loaded memory block.
    Returns true if this address represents a location in memory.
    Returns true if this address represents an address not loaded in real memory (i.e.
    Returns true if this address represents a location in the register space.
    Returns true if this address represents a location in stack space.
    Tests whether the given address immediately follows this address.
    Returns true if this address represents a location in unique space.
    Returns true if this address represents a location in variable space.
    Returns the address's successor.
    Returns the address's predecessor.
    subtract(long displacement)
    Creates a new address (possibly in a new space) by subtracting the displacement to this address.
    Calculates the displacement between two addresses (this - addr)
    subtractNoWrap(long displacement)
    Creates a new Address by subtracting displacement from the Address.
    subtractWrap(long displacement)
    Creates a new address by subtracting the displacement from the current address.
    subtractWrapSpace(long displacement)
    Creates a new address by subtracting the displacement from the current address.
    Returns a String representation of the address in hex and padded to the appropriate size.
    toString(boolean showAddressSpace)
    Returns a String representation that may include the address space name
    toString(boolean showAddressSpace, boolean pad)
    Returns a String representation that may include the address space name and may or may not pad the address with leading zeros.
    toString(boolean showAddressSpace, int minNumDigits)
    Returns a String representation that may include the address space name and may or may not pad the address with leading zeros.
    toString(String prefix)
    Returns a String representation of the address using the given string as a prefix.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getAddress

      public Address getAddress(String addrString) throws AddressFormatException
      Description copied from interface: Address
      Creates a new Address by parsing a String representation of an address. The string may be either a simple number (just the offset part of an address) or take the form "addressSpaceName:offset". If the latter form is used, the "addressSpaceName" must match the name of the space for this address.
      Specified by:
      getAddress in interface Address
      addrString - the String to parse.
      the new Address if the string is a legally formed address or null if the string contains an address space name that does not match this address's space.
      AddressFormatException - if the string cannot be parsed or the parsed offset is larger than the size for this address' space.
      See Also:
    • getNewAddress

      public Address getNewAddress(long byteOffset)
      Description copied from interface: Address
      Creates a new Address in this address's space with the given byte offset.
      Specified by:
      getNewAddress in interface Address
      byteOffset - the byte offset for the new address.
      the new Address.
      See Also:
    • getNewAddress

      public Address getNewAddress(long addrOffset, boolean isAddressableWordOffset) throws AddressOutOfBoundsException
      Description copied from interface: Address
      Returns a new address in this address's space with the given offset.

      NOTE: for those spaces with an addressable unit size other than 1, the address returned may not correspond to an addressable unit/word boundary if a byte-offset is specified.

      Specified by:
      getNewAddress in interface Address
      addrOffset - the offset for the new address.
      isAddressableWordOffset - if true the specified offset is an addressable unit/word offset, otherwise offset is a byte offset. See AddressSpace#getAddressableUnitSize() to understand the distinction (i.e., wordOffset = byteOffset * addressableUnitSize).
      address with given offset
      AddressOutOfBoundsException - if the offset is less than 0 or greater than the max offset allowed for this space.
    • getNewTruncatedAddress

      public Address getNewTruncatedAddress(long addrOffset, boolean isAddressableWordOffset) throws AddressOutOfBoundsException
      Description copied from interface: Address
      Returns a new address in this address's space with the given offset. The specified offset will be truncated within the space and will not throw an exception.

      NOTE: for those spaces with an addressable unit size other than 1, the address returned may not correspond to a word boundary (addressable unit) if a byte-offset is specified.

      Specified by:
      getNewTruncatedAddress in interface Address
      addrOffset - the offset for the new address.
      isAddressableWordOffset - if true the specified offset is an addressable unit/word offset, otherwise offset is a byte offset. See AddressSpace#getAddressableUnitSize() to understand the distinction (i.e., wordOffset = byteOffset * addressableUnitSize).
      address with given byte offset truncated to the physical space size
    • getOffset

      public long getOffset()
      Description copied from interface: Address
      Get the offset of this Address.
      Specified by:
      getOffset in interface Address
      the offset of this Address.
      See Also:
    • getAddressableWordOffset

      public long getAddressableWordOffset()
      Description copied from interface: Address
      Get the addressable memory word offset which corresponds to this address.
      Specified by:
      getAddressableWordOffset in interface Address
      addressable memory word offset
    • getUnsignedOffset

      public long getUnsignedOffset()
      Description copied from interface: Address
      Get the address offset as an unsigned number. This may be useful when dealing with signed spaces (e.g. stack)
      Specified by:
      getUnsignedOffset in interface Address
      unsigned address offset
      See Also:
    • getAddressSpace

      public AddressSpace getAddressSpace()
      Description copied from interface: Address
      Returns the address space associated with this address.
      Specified by:
      getAddressSpace in interface Address
      the address space
      See Also:
    • getSize

      public int getSize()
      Description copied from interface: Address
      Returns the number of bits that are used to form the address. Thus the maximum offset for this address space will be 2^size-1.
      Specified by:
      getSize in interface Address
      the size
      See Also:
    • subtract

      public long subtract(Address addr)
      Description copied from interface: Address
      Calculates the displacement between two addresses (this - addr)
      Specified by:
      subtract in interface Address
      addr - the Address to subtract from this address
      the difference (thisAddress.offset - thatAddress.offset)
      See Also:
    • subtractWrap

      public Address subtractWrap(long displacement)
      Description copied from interface: Address
      Creates a new address by subtracting the displacement from the current address. The new address will wrap in a manner that depends on the address space. For a generic address space this will wrap at the extents of the address space. For a segmented address space it will wrap at the extents of the segment.
      Specified by:
      subtractWrap in interface Address
      displacement - the displacement to subtract.
      The new Address formed by subtracting the displacement for the offset.
      See Also:
    • subtractWrapSpace

      public Address subtractWrapSpace(long displacement)
      Description copied from interface: Address
      Creates a new address by subtracting the displacement from the current address. If the offset is greater than the max offset of the address space, the high order bits are masked off, making the address wrap. For non-segmented addresses this will be the same as subtractWrap(). For segmented addresses, the address will wrap when the 20 bit (oxfffff) offset is exceeded, as opposed to when the segment offset is exceeded.
      Specified by:
      subtractWrapSpace in interface Address
      displacement - the displacement to add.
      The new Address formed by subtracting the displacement from this address's offset.
      See Also:
    • subtractNoWrap

      public Address subtractNoWrap(long displacement) throws AddressOverflowException
      Description copied from interface: Address
      Creates a new Address by subtracting displacement from the Address. The Address will not wrap within the space and in fact will throw an exception if the result is less than the min address in this space or greater than the max address in this space.
      Specified by:
      subtractNoWrap in interface Address
      displacement - the displacement to subtract.
      The new Address
      AddressOverflowException - if the offset in this Address would overflow due to this operation.
      See Also:
    • subtract

      public Address subtract(long displacement)
      Description copied from interface: Address
      Creates a new address (possibly in a new space) by subtracting the displacement to this address.
      Specified by:
      subtract in interface Address
      displacement - the amount to subtract from this offset.
      The address using the subtracted offset.
      See Also:
    • addWrap

      public Address addWrap(long displacement)
      Description copied from interface: Address
      Creates a new address by adding the displacement to the current address. The new address will wrap in a manner that depends on the address space. For a generic address space this will wrap at the extents of the address space. For a segmented address space it will wrap at the extents of the segment.
      Specified by:
      addWrap in interface Address
      displacement - the displacement to add.
      The new Address formed by adding the displacement to this address's offset.
      See Also:
    • addWrapSpace

      public Address addWrapSpace(long displacement)
      Description copied from interface: Address
      Creates a new address by adding the displacement to the current address. If the offset is greater than the max offset of the address space, the high order bits are masked off, making the address wrap. For non-segmented addresses this will be the same as addWrap(). For segmented addresses, the address will wrap when the 20 bit (oxfffff) offset is exceeded, as opposed to when the segment offset is exceeded.
      Specified by:
      addWrapSpace in interface Address
      displacement - the displacement to add.
      The new Address formed by adding the displacement to this address's offset.
      See Also:
    • addNoWrap

      public Address addNoWrap(long displacement) throws AddressOverflowException
      Description copied from interface: Address
      Creates a new Address with a displacement relative to this Address. The Address will not wrap around! An exception will be throw if the result is not within this address space.
      Specified by:
      addNoWrap in interface Address
      displacement - the displacement to add.
      the new address.
      AddressOverflowException - if the offset in this Address would overflow (wrap around) due to this operation.
      See Also:
    • addNoWrap

      public Address addNoWrap(BigInteger displacement) throws AddressOverflowException
      Specified by:
      addNoWrap in interface Address
    • add

      public Address add(long displacement)
      Description copied from interface: Address
      Creates a new address (possibly in a new space) by adding the displacement to this address.
      Specified by:
      add in interface Address
      displacement - the amount to add to this offset.
      The new address.
      See Also:
    • isSuccessor

      public boolean isSuccessor(Address addr)
      Description copied from interface: Address
      Tests whether the given address immediately follows this address.
      Specified by:
      isSuccessor in interface Address
      addr - the address to test.
      true if the address follows this address.
      See Also:
    • compareTo

      public int compareTo(Address a)
      Specified by:
      compareTo in interface Comparable<Address>
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      Description copied from interface: Address
      Compares this Address to the specified object. The result is true if and only if the argument is not null and is a Address object that represents the same address as this object.
      Specified by:
      equals in interface Address
      equals in class Object
      o - the object to compare this String against.
      true if the Addressesare equal; false otherwise.
      See Also:
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      Description copied from interface: Address
      Returns a hash code for this Address. The hash code for an Address should be a value such that two Address objects which are equal will return the same hash code. This method should generally return the same value as getLong().
      Specified by:
      hashCode in interface Address
      hashCode in class Object
      a hash code value for this object.
      See Also:
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Description copied from interface: Address
      Returns a String representation of the address in hex and padded to the appropriate size.
      Specified by:
      toString in interface Address
      toString in class Object
      the string
      See Also:
    • toString

      public String toString(String prefix)
      Description copied from interface: Address
      Returns a String representation of the address using the given string as a prefix. Equivalent of prefix + ":" + toString(false)
      Specified by:
      toString in interface Address
      prefix - the string to prepend to the address string.
      the string
      See Also:
    • toString

      public String toString(boolean showAddressSpace)
      Description copied from interface: Address
      Returns a String representation that may include the address space name
      Specified by:
      toString in interface Address
      showAddressSpace - true if the address space should be included in resulting string.
      String the string representation of the address
    • toString

      public String toString(boolean showAddressSpace, boolean pad)
      Description copied from interface: Address
      Returns a String representation that may include the address space name and may or may not pad the address with leading zeros.
      Specified by:
      toString in interface Address
      showAddressSpace - if true, the addressSpace name will be prepended to the address string.
      pad - if true, the address will be prepended with leading zeros to completely fill out the max digits the address could contain. If false, the address will be prepended only to make the number of hex digits at least 4.
      the address as a String.
    • toString

      public String toString(boolean showAddressSpace, int minNumDigits)
      Description copied from interface: Address
      Returns a String representation that may include the address space name and may or may not pad the address with leading zeros.
      Specified by:
      toString in interface Address
      showAddressSpace - if true, the addressSpace name will be prepended to the address string.
      minNumDigits - specifies the minimum number of digits to use. If the address space size is less that minNumDigits, the address will be padded to the address space size. If the address space size is larger that minNumDigits, the address will be displayed with as many digits as necessary, but will contain leading zeros to make the address string have at least minNumDigits.
      the address as a String.
    • hasSameAddressSpace

      public boolean hasSameAddressSpace(Address addr)
      Description copied from interface: Address
      Return true if this address' address space is equal to the address space for addr.
      Specified by:
      hasSameAddressSpace in interface Address
      addr - the address to check
      true if the same space
      See Also:
    • next

      public Address next()
      Description copied from interface: Address
      Returns the address's successor. In most cases, this is equivalent to addr.add(1), but segmented addresses could span segments. The result of calling this on the highest address will result in a null return value.
      Specified by:
      next in interface Address
      the next higher address, or null if already at the highest address.
      See Also:
    • previous

      public Address previous()
      Description copied from interface: Address
      Returns the address's predecessor. In most cases, this is equivalent to addr.subtract(1), but segmented addresses could span segments. The result of calling this on the lowest address will result in a null return value.
      Specified by:
      previous in interface Address
      the next lower address, or null if already at the lowest address.
      See Also:
    • getPhysicalAddress

      public Address getPhysicalAddress()
      Description copied from interface: Address
      Returns the physical Address that corresponds to this Address.
      Specified by:
      getPhysicalAddress in interface Address
      address in a physical space corresponding to this address.
      See Also:
    • getPointerSize

      public int getPointerSize()
      Description copied from interface: Address
      Returns the number of bytes needed to form a pointer to this address. The result will be one of {1,2,4,8}.
      Specified by:
      getPointerSize in interface Address
      the pointer size
      See Also:
    • isMemoryAddress

      public boolean isMemoryAddress()
      Description copied from interface: Address
      Returns true if this address represents a location in memory.
      Specified by:
      isMemoryAddress in interface Address
      true if this address represents a location in memory.
      See Also:
    • isLoadedMemoryAddress

      public boolean isLoadedMemoryAddress()
      Description copied from interface: Address
      Returns true if this address represents an address in a loaded memory block.
      Specified by:
      isLoadedMemoryAddress in interface Address
      true if this address represents an address in a loaded memory block.
    • isNonLoadedMemoryAddress

      public boolean isNonLoadedMemoryAddress()
      Description copied from interface: Address
      Returns true if this address represents an address not loaded in real memory (i.e. OTHER).
      Specified by:
      isNonLoadedMemoryAddress in interface Address
      true if this address represents an address not loaded in real memory (i.e. OTHER).
    • isHashAddress

      public boolean isHashAddress()
      Description copied from interface: Address
      Returns true if this address represents a location in the HASH space.
      Specified by:
      isHashAddress in interface Address
      true if this address represents a location in the HASH space.
      See Also:
    • isStackAddress

      public boolean isStackAddress()
      Description copied from interface: Address
      Returns true if this address represents a location in stack space.
      Specified by:
      isStackAddress in interface Address
      true if this address represents a location in stack space.
      See Also:
    • isUniqueAddress

      public boolean isUniqueAddress()
      Description copied from interface: Address
      Returns true if this address represents a location in unique space.
      Specified by:
      isUniqueAddress in interface Address
      true if this address represents a location in unique space.
      See Also:
    • isConstantAddress

      public boolean isConstantAddress()
      Description copied from interface: Address
      Returns true if this address represents a location in constant space.
      Specified by:
      isConstantAddress in interface Address
      true if this address represents a location in constant space.
      See Also:
    • isVariableAddress

      public boolean isVariableAddress()
      Description copied from interface: Address
      Returns true if this address represents a location in variable space.
      Specified by:
      isVariableAddress in interface Address
      true if this address represents a location in variable space.
      See Also:
    • isRegisterAddress

      public boolean isRegisterAddress()
      Description copied from interface: Address
      Returns true if this address represents a location in the register space.

      NOTE: It is important to note that a Register could reside within a memory space and not the register space in which case this method would return false for its address.

      Specified by:
      isRegisterAddress in interface Address
      true if a register address
      See Also:
    • isExternalAddress

      public boolean isExternalAddress()
      Description copied from interface: Address
      Returns true if this address represents an external location in the external address space.
      Specified by:
      isExternalAddress in interface Address
      true if this address represents an external location in the external address space.
      See Also:
    • getOffsetAsBigInteger

      public BigInteger getOffsetAsBigInteger()
      Description copied from interface: Address
      Get the offset of this Address as a BigInteger.
      Specified by:
      getOffsetAsBigInteger in interface Address
      the offset of this Address.