Interface Memory

All Superinterfaces:
AddressSetView, Iterable<AddressRange>
All Known Implementing Classes:
MemoryMapDB, StubMemory

public interface Memory extends AddressSetView
Memory provides the ability to inspect and manage the memory model for a Program. In addition to conventional MemoryBlocks defined within physical memory AddressSpaces other special purpose memory block types may be defined (e.g., byte-mapped, bit-mapped, overlays, etc.).

All memory block manipulations require excusive access (see DomainObject.hasExclusiveAccess()) and all memory changes should generally be completed prior to analysis. In particular, adding additional overlay blocks to an existing overlay space that has already been analyzed should be avoided. Code references discovered during analysis from an overlay block will give preference to remaining within the corresponding overlay address space provided a block exists at the referenced offset.

Block Types

  • Initialized - a memory block which defines a memory region with specific data. Data may be initialized from defined FileBytes, an InputStream, or set to all zeros.
  • Uninitialized - a memory block which defines a memory region whose data is unknown.
  • Byte-Mapped - a memory block whose bytes are mapped to another memory region using either a 1:1 byte-mapping or other specified mapping scheme (see ByteMappingScheme). Byte read/write operations are passed-through the mapped region.
  • Bit-Mapped - a memory block whose bytes are mapped to a corresponding bit in another memory region where a mapped byte has a value of 0 or 1 only. Byte read/write operations are passed-through to the corresponding bit within the mapped region.

Overlay Blocks An overlay memory block provides the ability to define alternate content for a physical memory region. Any of the Block Types above may be created as an overlay block. The use of an overlay block and its corresponding overlay address space can be used to reflect a different execution context. Use of overlays during analysis has limitations that must be considered.

Loaded vs. Non-Loaded A special purpose AddressSpace.OTHER_SPACE has been established for storing adhoc non-loaded data as a memory block. This is frequently used for storing portions of a file that never actually get loaded into memory. All blocks created using the AddressSpace.OTHER_SPACE must be created as an overlay memory block. All other blocks based upon a memory address space, including overlays, are treated as Loaded and use offsets into a physical memory space.

Sub-Blocks When a memory block is first created it corresponds to a single sub-block. When a block join operation is performed the resulting block will consist of multiple sub-blocks. However, the join operation is restricted to default block types only and does not support byte/bit-mapped types.

  • Field Details


      static final int GBYTE_SHIFT_FACTOR
      See Also:
    • GBYTE

      static final long GBYTE
      See Also:

      static final int MAX_BINARY_SIZE_GB
      Maximum size of all memory blocks, 16-GByte (see getAllInitializedAddressSet()). This restriction is somewhat arbitrary but is established to prevent an excessive number of memory map segments which can have a negative impact on performance.
      See Also:

      static final long MAX_BINARY_SIZE
      See Also:

      static final int MAX_BLOCK_SIZE_GB
      The current max size of a memory block.
      See Also:

      static final long MAX_BLOCK_SIZE
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getProgram

      Program getProgram()
      Returns the program that this memory belongs to.
    • getLoadedAndInitializedAddressSet

      AddressSetView getLoadedAndInitializedAddressSet()
      Returns the set of addresses which correspond to all the "loaded" memory blocks that have initialized data. This does not include initialized memory blocks that contain data from the program's file header such as debug sections.
    • getAllInitializedAddressSet

      AddressSetView getAllInitializedAddressSet()
      Returns the set of addresses which correspond to all memory blocks that have initialized data. This includes initialized memory blocks that contain data from the program's file header that are not actually in the running in memory image, such as debug sections. Use getLoadedAndInitializedAddressSet() if you only want the addressed of the loaded in memory blocks.
    • getInitializedAddressSet

      @Deprecated AddressSetView getInitializedAddressSet()
    • getExecuteSet

      AddressSetView getExecuteSet()
      Returns the set of addresses which correspond to the executable memory.
    • isBigEndian

      boolean isBigEndian()
      Returns true if the memory is bigEndian, false otherwise.
    • isExternalBlockAddress

      default boolean isExternalBlockAddress(Address addr)
      Determine if the specified address is contained within the reserved EXTERNAL block (see MemoryBlock.EXTERNAL_BLOCK_NAME). This artificial memory block has certain limitations that may require associated addresses to be properly identified. All data access/referencing has the biggest exposure since the importers generally allocate a fixed and possibly insufficient amount of memory to corresponding data symbols. Any pointer math performed based upon an EXTERNAL block symbol address is likely to produce an unuseable address that may collide with unrelated symbols stored within the memory block (e.g., OffsetReference is one such example).
      addr - address
      true if address is contained within EXTERNAL memory block, else false.
    • setLiveMemoryHandler

      void setLiveMemoryHandler(LiveMemoryHandler handler)
      Sets the live memory handler
      handler - the live memory handler
    • getLiveMemoryHandler

      LiveMemoryHandler getLiveMemoryHandler()
      Returns the live memory handler instance used by this memory.
      the live memory handler
    • createInitializedBlock

      MemoryBlock createInitializedBlock(String name, Address start, InputStream is, long length, TaskMonitor monitor, boolean overlay) throws LockException, MemoryConflictException, AddressOverflowException, CancelledException, IllegalArgumentException
      Create an initialized memory block based upon a data InputStream and add it to this Memory.

      Overlay Blocks: An overlay memory block may be created in two ways:

      • Specifying a start address within an existing overlay address space (overlay parameter is ignored), or
      • Specifying a start address within a physical memory address space and passing overlay=true. This use case will force the creation of a new unique overlay address space.
      name - block name (See isValidMemoryBlockName(String) for naming rules)
      start - start address of the block
      is - source of the data used to fill the block or null for zero initialization.
      length - the size of the block
      monitor - task monitor
      overlay - if true, the block will be created as an OVERLAY block. If the start address is a non-overlay memory address a new overlay address space will be created and the block will have a starting address at the same offset within the new overlay space. If the specified start address is an overlay address an overlay block will be created at that overlay address.
      new Initialized Memory Block
      LockException - if exclusive lock not in place (see haveLock())
      MemoryConflictException - if the new block overlaps with a previous block
      AddressOverflowException - if block specification exceeds bounds of address space
      CancelledException - user cancelled operation
      IllegalArgumentException - if invalid block name specified
    • createInitializedBlock

      MemoryBlock createInitializedBlock(String name, Address start, long size, byte initialValue, TaskMonitor monitor, boolean overlay) throws LockException, IllegalArgumentException, MemoryConflictException, AddressOverflowException, CancelledException
      Create an initialized memory block initialized and add it to this Memory. All bytes will be initialized to the specified value (NOTE: use of zero as the initial value is encouraged for reduced storage).

      Overlay Blocks: An overlay memory block may be created in two ways:

      • Specifying a start address within an existing overlay address space (overlay parameter is ignored), or
      • Specifying a start address within a physical memory address space and passing overlay=true. This use case will force the creation of a new unique overlay address space.
      name - block name (See isValidMemoryBlockName(String) for naming rules)
      start - start of the block
      size - block length (positive non-zero value required)
      initialValue - initialization value for every byte in the block.
      monitor - progress monitor, may be null.
      overlay - if true, the block will be created as an OVERLAY block. If the start address is a non-overlay memory address a new overlay address space will be created and the block will have a starting address at the same offset within the new overlay space. If the specified start address is an overlay address an overlay block will be created at that overlay address.
      new Initialized Memory Block
      LockException - if exclusive lock not in place (see haveLock())
      MemoryConflictException - if the new block overlaps with a previous block
      AddressOverflowException - if block specification exceeds bounds of address space
      IllegalArgumentException - if invalid block name specified
      CancelledException - user cancelled operation
    • createInitializedBlock

      MemoryBlock createInitializedBlock(String name, Address start, FileBytes fileBytes, long offset, long size, boolean overlay) throws LockException, IllegalArgumentException, MemoryConflictException, AddressOverflowException
      Create an initialized memory block using bytes from a FileBytes object.

      Overlay Blocks: An overlay memory block may be created in two ways:

      • Specifying a start address within an existing overlay address space (overlay parameter is ignored), or
      • Specifying a start address within a physical memory address space and passing overlay=true. This use case will force the creation of a new unique overlay address space.
      name - block name (See isValidMemoryBlockName(String) for naming rules)
      start - starting address of the block
      fileBytes - the FileBytes object to use as the underlying source of bytes.
      offset - the offset into the FileBytes for the first byte of this memory block.
      size - block length (positive non-zero value required)
      overlay - if true, the block will be created as an OVERLAY block. If the start address is a non-overlay memory address a new overlay address space will be created and the block will have a starting address at the same offset within the new overlay space. If the specified start address is an overlay address an overlay block will be created at that overlay address.
      new Initialized Memory Block
      LockException - if exclusive lock not in place (see haveLock())
      MemoryConflictException - if the new block overlaps with a previous block
      AddressOverflowException - if block specification exceeds bounds of address space
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if file bytes range specified by offset and size is out of bounds for the specified fileBytes.
      IllegalArgumentException - if invalid block name specified
    • createUninitializedBlock

      MemoryBlock createUninitializedBlock(String name, Address start, long size, boolean overlay) throws LockException, IllegalArgumentException, MemoryConflictException, AddressOverflowException
      Create an uninitialized memory block and add it to this Memory.

      Overlay Blocks: An overlay memory block may be created in two ways:

      • Specifying a start address within an existing overlay address space (overlay parameter is ignored), or
      • Specifying a start address within a physical memory address space and passing overlay=true. This use case will force the creation of a new unique overlay address space.
      name - block name (See isValidMemoryBlockName(String) for naming rules)
      start - start of the block
      size - block length
      overlay - if true, the block will be created as an OVERLAY block. If the start address is a non-overlay memory address a new overlay address space will be created and the block will have a starting address at the same offset within the new overlay space. If the specified start address is an overlay address an overlay block will be created at that overlay address.
      new Uninitialized Memory Block
      LockException - if exclusive lock not in place (see haveLock())
      MemoryConflictException - if the new block overlaps with a previous block
      AddressOverflowException - if block specification exceeds bounds of address space
      IllegalArgumentException - if invalid block name specified
    • createBitMappedBlock

      MemoryBlock createBitMappedBlock(String name, Address start, Address mappedAddress, long length, boolean overlay) throws LockException, MemoryConflictException, AddressOverflowException, IllegalArgumentException
      Create a bit-mapped overlay memory block and add it to this Memory. Each byte address within the resulting memory block will correspond to a single bit location within the mapped region specified by mappedAddress.

      Overlay Blocks: An overlay memory block may be created in two ways:

      • Specifying a start address within an existing overlay address space (overlay parameter is ignored), or
      • Specifying a start address within a physical memory address space and passing overlay=true. This use case will force the creation of a new unique overlay address space.
      name - block name (See isValidMemoryBlockName(String) for naming rules)
      start - start of the block
      mappedAddress - start address in the source block for the beginning of this block
      length - block length
      overlay - if true, the block will be created as an OVERLAY block. If the start address is a non-overlay memory address a new overlay address space will be created and the block will have a starting address at the same offset within the new overlay space. If the specified start address is an overlay address an overlay block will be created at that overlay address.
      new Bit Memory Block
      LockException - if exclusive lock not in place (see haveLock())
      MemoryConflictException - if the new block overlaps with a previous block
      MemoryConflictException - if the new block overlaps with a previous block
      AddressOverflowException - if block specification exceeds bounds of address space
      IllegalArgumentException - if invalid block name specified
    • createByteMappedBlock

      MemoryBlock createByteMappedBlock(String name, Address start, Address mappedAddress, long length, ByteMappingScheme byteMappingScheme, boolean overlay) throws LockException, MemoryConflictException, AddressOverflowException, IllegalArgumentException
      Create a byte-mapped memory block and add it to this memory. Each byte address within the resulting memory block will correspond to a byte within the mapped region specified by mappedAddress. While a 1:1 byte-mapping is the default, a specific byte-mapping ratio may be specified.

      Overlay Blocks: An overlay memory block may be created in two ways:

      • Specifying a start address within an existing overlay address space (overlay parameter is ignored), or
      • Specifying a start address within a physical memory address space and passing overlay=true. This use case will force the creation of a new unique overlay address space.
      name - block name (See isValidMemoryBlockName(String) for naming rules)
      start - start of the block
      mappedAddress - start address in the source block for the beginning of this block
      length - block length
      byteMappingScheme - byte mapping scheme (may be null for 1:1 mapping)
      overlay - if true, the block will be created as an OVERLAY block. If the start address is a non-overlay memory address a new overlay address space will be created and the block will have a starting address at the same offset within the new overlay space. If the specified start address is an overlay address an overlay block will be created at that overlay address.
      new Bit Memory Block
      LockException - if exclusive lock not in place (see haveLock())
      MemoryConflictException - if the new block overlaps with a previous block
      AddressOverflowException - if block specification exceeds bounds of address space
      IllegalArgumentException - if invalid block name
    • createByteMappedBlock

      default MemoryBlock createByteMappedBlock(String name, Address start, Address mappedAddress, long length, boolean overlay) throws LockException, MemoryConflictException, AddressOverflowException, IllegalArgumentException
      Create a byte-mapped memory block and add it to this memory. Each byte address within the resulting memory block will correspond to a byte within the mapped region specified by mappedAddress using a 1:1 byte-mapping.

      Overlay Blocks: An overlay memory block may be created in two ways:

      • Specifying a start address within an existing overlay address space (overlay parameter is ignored), or
      • Specifying a start address within a physical memory address space and passing overlay=true. This use case will force the creation of a new unique overlay address space.
      name - block name (See isValidMemoryBlockName(String) for naming rules)
      start - start of the block
      mappedAddress - start address in the source block for the beginning of this block
      length - block length
      overlay - if true, the block will be created as an OVERLAY block. If the start address is a non-overlay memory address a new overlay address space will be created and the block will have a starting address at the same offset within the new overlay space. If the specified start address is an overlay address an overlay block will be created at that overlay address.
      new Bit Memory Block
      LockException - if exclusive lock not in place (see haveLock())
      MemoryConflictException - if the new block overlaps with a previous block
      AddressOverflowException - if block specification exceeds bounds of address space
      IllegalArgumentException - if invalid block name
    • createBlock

      Creates a MemoryBlock at the given address with the same properties as block, and adds it to this Memory. Initialized Default blocks will have block filled with 0's. Method will only create physical space blocks and will not create an overlay block.
      block - source block
      name - block name (See isValidMemoryBlockName(String) for naming rules).
      start - start of the block
      length - the size of the new block.
      new block
      LockException - if exclusive lock not in place (see haveLock())
      MemoryConflictException - if block specification conflicts with an existing block
      AddressOverflowException - if block specification exceeds bounds of address space
      IllegalArgumentException - if invalid block name specifiede
    • removeBlock

      void removeBlock(MemoryBlock block, TaskMonitor monitor) throws LockException
      Remove the memory block.
      block - the block to be removed.
      monitor - monitor that is used to cancel the remove operation
      LockException - if exclusive lock not in place (see haveLock())
    • getSize

      long getSize()
      Get the memory size in bytes.
    • getBlock

      MemoryBlock getBlock(Address addr)
      Returns the Block which contains addr.
      addr - a valid data Address.
      the block containing addr; null if addr is not a valid location.
    • getBlock

      MemoryBlock getBlock(String blockName)
      Returns the Block with the specified blockName
      blockName - the name of the requested block
      the Block with the specified blockName
    • getBlocks

      MemoryBlock[] getBlocks()
      Returns an array containing all the memory blocks.
    • moveBlock

      Move the memory block containing source address to the destination address.
      block - block to be moved
      newStartAddr - new start address for block
      monitor - task monitor so the move block can be canceled
      LockException - if exclusive lock not in place (see haveLock())
      MemoryConflictException - if move would cause blocks to overlap.
      MemoryBlockException - if block movement is not permitted
      AddressOverflowException - if block movement would violate bounds of address space
      NotFoundException - if memoryBlock does not exist in this memory.
    • split

      Split a block at the given addr and create a new block starting at addr.
      block - block to be split into two
      addr - address (within block) that will be the start of new block
      LockException - if exclusive lock not in place (see haveLock())
      NotFoundException - thrown if block does not exist in memory
      MemoryBlockException - memory split not permitted
      AddressOutOfBoundsException - thrown if address is not in the block
    • join

      Join the two blocks to create a single memory block. IMPORTANT! When done, both blockOne and blockTwo should no longer be used.
      blockOne - block to be combined with blockTwo
      blockTwo - block to be combined with blockOne
      new block
      LockException - if exclusive lock not in place (see haveLock())
      MemoryBlockException - thrown if the blocks are not contiguous in the address space,
    • convertToInitialized

      MemoryBlock convertToInitialized(MemoryBlock uninitializedBlock, byte initialValue) throws LockException, MemoryBlockException, NotFoundException
      Convert an existing uninitialized block with an initialized block.
      uninitializedBlock - uninitialized block to convert
      initialValue - initial value for the bytes
      LockException - if exclusive lock not in place (see haveLock())
      MemoryBlockException - if there is no block in memory at the same address as block or if the block lengths are not the same.
    • convertToUninitialized

      MemoryBlock convertToUninitialized(MemoryBlock itializedBlock) throws MemoryBlockException, NotFoundException, LockException
    • findBytes

      Address findBytes(Address addr, byte[] bytes, byte[] masks, boolean forward, TaskMonitor monitor)
      Finds a sequence of contiguous bytes that match the given byte array at all bit positions where the mask contains an "on" bit. Search is performed over loaded memory only.
      addr - The beginning address in memory to search.
      bytes - the array of bytes to search for.
      masks - the array of masks. (One for each byte in the byte array) if all bits of each byte is to be checked (ie: all mask bytes are 0xff), then pass a null for masks.
      forward - if true, search in the forward direction.
      The address of where the first match is found. Null is returned if there is no match.
    • findBytes

      Address findBytes(Address startAddr, Address endAddr, byte[] bytes, byte[] masks, boolean forward, TaskMonitor monitor)
      Finds a sequence of contiguous bytes that match the given byte array at all bit positions where the mask contains an "on" bit. Starts at startAddr and ends at endAddr. If forward is true, search starts at startAddr and will end if startAddr ">" endAddr. If forward is false, search starts at start addr and will end if startAddr "<" endAddr.
      startAddr - The beginning address in memory to search.
      endAddr - The ending address in memory to search (inclusive).
      bytes - the array of bytes to search for.
      masks - the array of masks. (One for each byte in the byte array) if all bits of each byte is to be checked (ie: all mask bytes are 0xff), then pass a null for masks.
      forward - if true, search in the forward direction.
      The address of where the first match is found. Null is returned if there is no match.
    • getByte

      byte getByte(Address addr) throws MemoryAccessException
      Get byte at addr.
      addr - the Address of the byte.
      the byte.
      MemoryAccessException - if the address is not contained in any memory block.
    • getBytes

      int getBytes(Address addr, byte[] dest) throws MemoryAccessException
      Get dest.length number of bytes starting at the given address.
      addr - the starting Address.
      dest - the byte array to populate.
      the number of bytes put into dest. May be less than dest.length if the requested number extends beyond available memory.
      MemoryAccessException - if the starting address is not contained in any memory block.
    • getBytes

      int getBytes(Address addr, byte[] dest, int destIndex, int size) throws MemoryAccessException
      Get size number of bytes starting at the given address and populates dest starting at dIndex.
      addr - the starting Address.
      dest - the byte array to populate.
      destIndex - the offset into dest to place the bytes.
      size - the number of bytes to get.
      the number of bytes put into dest. May be less than size if the requested number extends beyond initialized / available memory.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if an invalid index is specified
      MemoryAccessException - if the starting address is not contained in any memory block or is an uninitialized location.
    • getShort

      short getShort(Address addr) throws MemoryAccessException
      Get the short at addr.
      addr - the Address where the short starts.
      the short.
      MemoryAccessException - if not all needed bytes are contained in initialized memory.
    • getShort

      short getShort(Address addr, boolean bigEndian) throws MemoryAccessException
      Get the short at addr using the specified endian order.
      addr - the Address where the short starts.
      bigEndian - true means to get the short in bigEndian order
      the short.
      MemoryAccessException - if not all needed bytes are contained in initialized memory.
    • getShorts

      int getShorts(Address addr, short[] dest) throws MemoryAccessException
      Get dest.length number of shorts starting at the given address.
      addr - the starting Address.
      dest - the short array to populate.
      the number of shorts put into dest. May be less than dest.length if the requested number extends beyond available memory. If the number of retrievable bytes is odd, the final byte will be discarded.
      MemoryAccessException - if not all needed bytes are contained in initialized memory.
    • getShorts

      int getShorts(Address addr, short[] dest, int dIndex, int nElem) throws MemoryAccessException
      Get dest.length number of shorts starting at the given address.
      addr - the starting Address.
      dest - the short array to populate.
      dIndex - the offset into dest to place the shorts.
      nElem - the number of shorts to get.
      the number of shorts put into dest. May be less than dest.length if the requested number extends beyond available memory. If the number of retrievable bytes is odd, the final byte will be discarded.
      MemoryAccessException - if not all needed bytes are contained in initialized memory.
    • getShorts

      int getShorts(Address addr, short[] dest, int dIndex, int nElem, boolean isBigEndian) throws MemoryAccessException
      Get dest.length number of shorts starting at the given address.
      addr - the starting Address.
      dest - the short array to populate.
      dIndex - the offset into dest to place the shorts.
      nElem - the number of shorts to get.
      isBigEndian - true means to get the shorts in bigEndian order
      the number of shorts put into dest. May be less than dest.length if the requested number extends beyond available memory. If the number of retrievable bytes is odd, the final byte will be discarded.
      MemoryAccessException - if not all needed bytes are contained in initialized memory.
    • getInt

      int getInt(Address addr) throws MemoryAccessException
      Get the int at addr.
      addr - the Address where the int starts.
      the int.
      MemoryAccessException - if not all needed bytes are contained in initialized memory.
    • getInt

      int getInt(Address addr, boolean bigEndian) throws MemoryAccessException
      Get the int at addr using the specified endian order.
      addr - the Address where the int starts.
      bigEndian - true means to get the int in big endian order
      the int.
      MemoryAccessException - if not all needed bytes are contained in initialized memory.
    • getInts

      int getInts(Address addr, int[] dest) throws MemoryAccessException
      Get dest.length number of ints starting at the given address.
      addr - the starting Address.
      dest - the int array to populate.
      the number of ints put into dest. May be less than dest.length if the requested number extends beyond available memory. If the number of retrievable bytes is not 0 mod 4, the final byte(s) will be discarded.
      MemoryAccessException - if the starting address is not contained in any memory block.
    • getInts

      int getInts(Address addr, int[] dest, int dIndex, int nElem) throws MemoryAccessException
      Get dest.length number of ints starting at the given address.
      addr - the starting Address.
      dest - the int array to populate.
      dIndex - the offset into dest to place the ints.
      nElem - the number of ints to get.
      the number of ints put into dest. May be less than dest.length if the requested number extends beyond available memory. If the number of retrievable bytes is not 0 mod 4, the final byte(s) will be discarded.
      MemoryAccessException - if not all needed bytes are contained in initialized memory.
    • getInts

      int getInts(Address addr, int[] dest, int dIndex, int nElem, boolean isBigEndian) throws MemoryAccessException
      Get dest.length number of ints starting at the given address.
      addr - the starting Address.
      dest - the int array to populate.
      dIndex - the offset into dest to place the ints.
      nElem - the number of ints to get.
      isBigEndian - true means to get the ints in bigEndian order
      the number of ints put into dest. May be less than dest.length if the requested number extends beyond available memory. If the number of retrievable bytes is not 0 mod 4, the final byte(s) will be discarded.
      MemoryAccessException - if not all needed bytes are contained in initialized memory.
    • getLong

      long getLong(Address addr) throws MemoryAccessException
      Get the long at addr.
      addr - the Address where the long starts.
      the long.
      MemoryAccessException - if not all needed bytes are contained in initialized memory.
    • getLong

      long getLong(Address addr, boolean bigEndian) throws MemoryAccessException
      Get the long at addr in the specified endian order.
      addr - the Address where the long starts.
      bigEndian - true means to get the long in big endian order
      the long.
      MemoryAccessException - if not all needed bytes are contained in initialized memory.
    • getLongs

      int getLongs(Address addr, long[] dest) throws MemoryAccessException
      Get dest.length number of longs starting at the given address.
      addr - the starting Address.
      dest - the long array to populate.
      the number of longs put into dest. May be less than dest.length if the requested number extends beyond available memory. If the number of retrievable bytes is not 0 mod 8, the final byte(s) will be discarded.
      MemoryAccessException - if not all needed bytes are contained in initialized memory.
    • getLongs

      int getLongs(Address addr, long[] dest, int dIndex, int nElem) throws MemoryAccessException
      Get dest.length number of longs starting at the given address.
      addr - the starting Address.
      dest - the long array to populate.
      dIndex - the offset into dest to place the longs.
      nElem - the number of longs to get.
      the number of longs put into dest. May be less than dest.length if the requested number extends beyond available memory. If the number of retrievable bytes is not 0 mod 8, the final byte(s) will be discarded.
      MemoryAccessException - if not all needed bytes are contained in initialized memory.
    • getLongs

      int getLongs(Address addr, long[] dest, int dIndex, int nElem, boolean isBigEndian) throws MemoryAccessException
      Get dest.length number of longs starting at the given address.
      addr - the starting Address.
      dest - the long array to populate.
      dIndex - the offset into dest to place the longs.
      nElem - the number of longs to get.
      isBigEndian - true means to get the longs in bigEndian order
      the number of longs put into dest. May be less than dest.length if the requested number extends beyond available memory. If the number of retrievable bytes is not 0 mod 8, the final byte(s) will be discarded.
      MemoryAccessException - if not all needed bytes are contained in initialized memory.
    • setByte

      void setByte(Address addr, byte value) throws MemoryAccessException
      Write byte at addr.
      addr - the Address of the byte.
      value - the data to write.
      MemoryAccessException - if writing is not allowed.
    • setBytes

      void setBytes(Address addr, byte[] source) throws MemoryAccessException
      Write size bytes from values at addr.
      addr - the starting Address.
      source - the bytes to write.
      MemoryAccessException - if writing is not allowed.
    • setBytes

      void setBytes(Address addr, byte[] source, int sIndex, int size) throws MemoryAccessException
      Write an array of bytes. This should copy size bytes or fail!
      addr - the starting Address of the bytes.
      source - an array to get bytes from.
      sIndex - the starting source index.
      size - the number of bytes to fill.
      MemoryAccessException - if writing is not allowed.
    • setShort

      void setShort(Address addr, short value) throws MemoryAccessException
      Write short at addr in default endian order.
      addr - the Address of the short.
      value - the data to write.
      MemoryAccessException - if writing is not allowed.
    • setShort

      void setShort(Address addr, short value, boolean bigEndian) throws MemoryAccessException
      Write short at addr in the specified endian order.
      addr - the Address of the short.
      value - the data to write.
      bigEndian - true means to write short in big endian order
      MemoryAccessException - if writing is not allowed.
    • setInt

      void setInt(Address addr, int value) throws MemoryAccessException
      Write int at addr in the default endian order.
      addr - the Address of the int.
      value - the data to write.
      MemoryAccessException - if writing is not allowed.
    • setInt

      void setInt(Address addr, int value, boolean bigEndian) throws MemoryAccessException
      Write int at addr in the specified endian order.
      addr - the Address of the int.
      bigEndian - true means to write the short in bigEndian order
      value - the data to write.
      MemoryAccessException - if writing is not allowed.
    • setLong

      void setLong(Address addr, long value) throws MemoryAccessException
      Write long at addr in the default endian order.
      addr - the Address of the long.
      value - the data to write.
      MemoryAccessException - if writing is not allowed.
    • setLong

      void setLong(Address addr, long value, boolean bigEndian) throws MemoryAccessException
      Write long at addr in the specified endian order.
      addr - the Address of the long.
      value - the data to write.
      bigEndian - true means to write the long in bigEndian order
      MemoryAccessException - if writing is not allowed.
    • createFileBytes

      FileBytes createFileBytes(String filename, long offset, long size, InputStream is, TaskMonitor monitor) throws IOException, CancelledException
      Stores a sequence of bytes into the program. Typically, this method is used by importers to store the original raw program bytes.
      filename - the name of the file from where the bytes originated
      offset - the offset into the file for the first byte in the input stream.
      size - the number of bytes to store from the input stream.
      is - the input stream that will supply the bytes to store in the program. Caller is responsible for closing input stream upon return.
      monitor - task monitor
      a FileBytes that was created to access the bytes.
      IOException - if there was an IOException saving the bytes to the program database.
      CancelledException - if the user cancelled this operation. Note: the database will be stable, but the buffers may contain 0s instead of the actual bytes.
    • getAllFileBytes

      List<FileBytes> getAllFileBytes()
      Returns a list of all the stored original file bytes objects
      a list of all the stored original file bytes objects
    • deleteFileBytes

      boolean deleteFileBytes(FileBytes fileBytes) throws IOException
      Deletes a stored sequence of file bytes. The file bytes can only be deleted if there are no memory block references to the file bytes.
      fileBytes - the FileBytes for the file bytes to be deleted.
      true if the FileBytes was deleted. If any memory blocks are referenced by this FileBytes or it is invalid then it will not be deleted and false will be returned.
      IOException - if there was an error updating the database.
    • getAddressSourceInfo

      AddressSourceInfo getAddressSourceInfo(Address address)
      Returns information (AddressSourceInfo) about the byte source at the given address.
      address - the address to query. Returns null if the address is not in memory.
      information (AddressSourceInfo) about the byte source at the given address or null if the address is not in memory.
    • isValidMemoryBlockName

      static boolean isValidMemoryBlockName(String name)
      Validate the given block name: cannot be null, cannot be an empty string, cannot contain control characters (ASCII 0..0x19).
      NOTE: When producing an overlay memory space which corresponds to a block, the space name will be modified to be consistent with address space name restrictions and to ensure uniqueness.
      name - memory block name
      true if name is valid else false
    • locateAddressesForFileOffset

      default List<Address> locateAddressesForFileOffset(long fileOffset)
      Gets a List of addresses that correspond to the given file offset.
      fileOffset - the file offset that will be used to locate the corresponding memory addresses
      a List of Addresses that are associated with the provided file offset
    • locateAddressesForFileBytesOffset

      default List<Address> locateAddressesForFileBytesOffset(FileBytes fileBytes, long offset)
      Gets a list of addresses where the byte at the given offset from the given FileBytes was loaded into memory.
      offset - the file offset in the given FileBytes of the byte that is to be located in memory
      fileBytes - the FileBytesobject whose byte is to be located in memory
      a list of addresses that are associated with the given FileBytes and offset