Class ApplyFunctionSignatureCmd

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ApplyFunctionSignatureCmd extends BackgroundCommand<Program>
Command to create apply a function signature at an address. Function signature changes are applied using Function.updateFunction(String, Variable, List, FunctionUpdateType, boolean, SourceType) with an update type of Function.FunctionUpdateType.DYNAMIC_STORAGE_FORMAL_PARAMS.
  • Constructor Details

    • ApplyFunctionSignatureCmd

      public ApplyFunctionSignatureCmd(Address entry, FunctionSignature signature, SourceType source)
      Constructs a new command for applying a signature to an existing function.
      Only a function with a default name will be renamed to the function signature's name (see FunctionRenameOption.RENAME_IF_DEFAULT).
      All datatypes will be resolved using the default conflict handler.
      entry - entry point address for the function to be created.
      signature - function signature to apply
      source - the source of this function signature
    • ApplyFunctionSignatureCmd

      @Deprecated(since="10.3", forRemoval=true) public ApplyFunctionSignatureCmd(Address entry, FunctionSignature signature, SourceType source, boolean preserveCallingConvention, boolean forceSetName)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Constructs a new command for applying a signature to an existing function.
      All datatypes will be resolved using the default conflict handler.
      entry - entry point address for the function to be created.
      signature - function signature to apply
      source - the source of this function signature
      preserveCallingConvention - if true the function calling convention will not be changed
      forceSetName - true if name of the function should be set to the name, otherwise name will only be set name if currently default (e.g., FUN_1234). A value of true is equivalent to FunctionRenameOption.RENAME, while a value of false is equivalent to FunctionRenameOption.RENAME_IF_DEFAULT.
    • ApplyFunctionSignatureCmd

      @Deprecated(since="11.0", forRemoval=true) public ApplyFunctionSignatureCmd(Address entry, FunctionSignature signature, SourceType source, boolean preserveCallingConvention, FunctionRenameOption functionRenameOption)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Constructs a new command for applying a signature to an existing function.
      All datatypes will be resolved using the default conflict handler.
      entry - entry point address for the function to be created.
      signature - function signature to apply
      source - the source of this function signature
      preserveCallingConvention - if true the function calling convention will not be changed
      functionRenameOption - controls renaming of the function using the name from the specified function signature.
    • ApplyFunctionSignatureCmd

      public ApplyFunctionSignatureCmd(Address entry, FunctionSignature signature, SourceType source, boolean preserveCallingConvention, boolean applyEmptyComposites, DataTypeConflictHandler conflictHandler, FunctionRenameOption functionRenameOption)
      Constructs a new command for applying a signature to an existing function.
      entry - entry point address for the function to be created.
      signature - function signature to apply
      source - the source of this function signature
      preserveCallingConvention - if true the function calling convention will not be changed
      applyEmptyComposites - If true, applied composites will be resolved without their respective components if the type does not already exist in the destination datatype manager. If false, normal type resolution will occur.
      conflictHandler - conflict handler to be used when applying datatypes to the destination program. If this value is not null or DataTypeConflictHandler.DEFAULT_HANDLER the datatypes will be resolved prior to updating the destinationFunction. This handler will provide some control over how applied datatype are handled when they conflict with existing datatypes. See DataTypeConflictHandler which provides some predefined handlers.
      functionRenameOption - controls renaming of the function using the name from the specified function signature.
  • Method Details

    • applyTo

      public boolean applyTo(Program p, TaskMonitor monitor)
      Description copied from class: BackgroundCommand
      Method called when this command is to apply changes to the given domain object. A monitor is provided to display status information about the command as it executes in the background.
      Specified by:
      applyTo in class BackgroundCommand<Program>
      p - domain object that will be affected by the command
      monitor - monitor to show progress of the command
      true if the command applied successfully