Class DisassembleCommand

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
ArmDisassembleCommand, Hcs12DisassembleCommand, MipsDisassembleCommand, PowerPCDisassembleCommand, X86_64DisassembleCommand

public class DisassembleCommand extends BackgroundCommand<Program>
Command object for performing disassembly
  • Field Details

    • startSet

      protected AddressSetView startSet
    • useDefaultRepeatPatternBehavior

      protected boolean useDefaultRepeatPatternBehavior
    • disassemblyPerformed

      protected boolean disassemblyPerformed
    • languageError

      protected String languageError
    • unalignedStart

      protected boolean unalignedStart
    • nonExecutableStart

      protected boolean nonExecutableStart
  • Constructor Details

    • DisassembleCommand

      public DisassembleCommand(Address start, AddressSetView restrictedSet, boolean followFlow)
      Constructor for DisassembleCommand.
      start - Address to start disassembly.
      restrictedSet - addresses that can be disassembled. a null set implies no restrictions
      followFlow - true means the disassembly should follow flow
    • DisassembleCommand

      public DisassembleCommand(AddressSetView startSet, AddressSetView restrictedSet)
      Constructor for DisassembleCommand.
      startSet - set of addresses to be the start of a disassembly. The Command object will attempt to start a disassembly at each address in this set.
      restrictedSet - addresses that can be disassembled. a null set implies no restrictions
    • DisassembleCommand

      public DisassembleCommand(AddressSetView startSet, AddressSetView restrictedSet, boolean followFlow)
      Constructor for DisassembleCommand.
      startSet - set of addresses to be the start of a disassembly. The Command object will attempt to start a disassembly at each address in this set.
      restrictedSet - addresses that can be disassembled. a null set implies no restrictions
      followFlow - follow all flows within restricted set if true, otherwise limit to using startSet for flows.
    • DisassembleCommand

      protected DisassembleCommand(String name, AddressSetView startSet, AddressSetView restrictedSet, boolean followFlow)
  • Method Details

    • setSeedContext

      public void setSeedContext(DisassemblerContextImpl seedContext)
      Allows the disassembler context to be seeded for the various disassembly start points which may be encountered using the future flow state of the specified seedContext. Any initial context set via the setInitialContext(RegisterValue) method will take precedence when combined with any seed values. The seedContext should remain unchanged while disassembler command is actively running.
      seedContext - seed context or null
    • setInitialContext

      public void setInitialContext(RegisterValue initialContextValue)
      Allows a specified initial context to be used at all start points. This value will take precedence when combined with any individual seed context values specified by the setSeedContext(DisassemblerContextImpl) method. The defaultSeedContext should remain unchanged while disassembler command is actively running.
      initialContextValue - the initial context value to set or null to clear it
    • enableCodeAnalysis

      public void enableCodeAnalysis(boolean enable)
      Set code analysis enablement. By default new instructions will be submitted for auto-analysis.
      enable - true if incremental code analysis should be done, else false to prevent this.
    • getStatusMsg

      public String getStatusMsg()
      Description copied from interface: Command
      Returns the status message indicating the status of the command.
      Specified by:
      getStatusMsg in interface Command<Program>
      getStatusMsg in class BackgroundCommand<Program>
      reason for failure, or null if the status of the command was successful
    • applyTo

      public boolean applyTo(Program program, TaskMonitor monitor)
      Description copied from class: BackgroundCommand
      Method called when this command is to apply changes to the given domain object. A monitor is provided to display status information about the command as it executes in the background.
      Specified by:
      applyTo in class BackgroundCommand<Program>
      program - domain object that will be affected by the command
      monitor - monitor to show progress of the command
      true if the command applied successfully
    • doDisassembly

      protected boolean doDisassembly(TaskMonitor monitor, Program program, int instructionAlignment)
    • doDisassemblySeeds

      protected AddressSet doDisassemblySeeds(Disassembler disassembler, AddressSet seedSet, mgr)
      Do disassembly of a seedSet of address locations
      disassembler - disassembler to use
      seedSet - set of addresses to be disassembled
      mgr - auto analysis manager
      addresses actually disassembled
    • getDisassembledAddressSet

      public AddressSet getDisassembledAddressSet()
      Returns an address set of all instructions that were disassembled.
      an address set of all instructions that were disassembled